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Wakes Up Grouchy

Behavioral Issues
  • My new addition is sleeping next to me at night. Good grief, talk about crabby and fussy if I move too much. I ignore most of it or tell her to "be quiet." She is fine in the morning when she wakes up, but during the night I better not disturb her. I have a solution, but wonder how many other people have experienced a "bed hog." :rolleyes:

  • @Vicki:

    My new addition is sleeping next to me at night. Good grief, talk about crabby and fussy if I move too much. I ignore most of it or tell her to "be quiet." She is fine in the morning when she wakes up, but during the night I better not disturb her. I have a solution, but wonder how many other people have experienced a "bed hog." :rolleyes:

    When my bed hogs start with crabby.. and fussy… they are "kicked" out of the bed, period... sleeping is bed is a priviledge... as in a "earned" right... when they decide they can "share" they are let back in!!!

  • @tanza:

    When my bed hogs start with crabby.. and fussy… they are "kicked" out of the bed, period... sleeping is bed is a priviledge... as in a "earned" right... when they decide they can "share" they are let back in!!!

    Pat…that is exactly what I used to do with Ruby when she first joined our family. Now, she won't make a peep, even if I rotate her 90 degrees so that her feet aren't in my back. I guess she figured getting moved around was better than sleeping in her crate. :D

    I will get the occasional big sigh from her, but nothing unfriendly. A couple of times, I've moved around so much that she's jumped off the bed and opted to spend the night in her crate....poor baby :rolleyes:.

  • Ha! The big sigh…they are so dramatic!

  • I'll try putting her in the crate…only problem is she thinks it is okay to pee and pooh in the crate. As I've mentioned before, Cami was kept in a pen for a long time and equates cages with a place that is acceptable to pee and pooh. If she isn't in the crate, she does fine. Cami has lived here less than 2 weeks, and she is doing remarkably well considering her beginning.

  • I pick up the cover and give a hard look at the dog.
    If the dog growls again, they are put on the floor.
    Repeat if necessary.
    They will get it.

  • Put a dog bed on the floor by your bed, so she has her choice…human bed and cheerful, or grumpy and floor bed!

    Anne in Tampa, with 3 bed hogs

  • When I first let EL D in my bed, he would get snarky if I rolled into him or the covers got pulled off, etc. I soon began to take away his bed privileges (the first time he came back in and cuddled next to my head and put his paw on my shoulder - sigh) and gradually the snarkiness decreased.
    This summer I bought him a child's sleeping bag for when we went camping and I now keep this on the bed for him. Once in a blue moon he still starts to get snarky (but nothing like before), but he's caught in the sleeping bag and soon settles back down - it also keeps him from hogging MY bed.

  • Dallas only gets snarky if he is sleeping on a chair in the family room. He loves this recliner chair & cuddles in it every chance he gets. However, he sleeps in my bedroom at night so has to move when it's time for bed. If we try to remove him from the chair he growls big time. He has gotten better though after we started working with him. Now, if he growls we put him in the backyard for 10 minutes or so. By the time he comes back into the house he goes straight to the bedroom & into his bed, curls into a little ball, takes a dep sigh & is out like a light :) I love that sigh though! Such dramatic dogs :p

  • My Basenji changes her behavior the minute I complain on this forum.
    Is she psychic?

  • @Vicki:

    My Basenji changes her behavior the minute I complain on this forum.
    Is she psychic?

    Well that is what happens when you let them see you login to the computer… Sneaky little devils remember passwords, At least that is what I tell my roommate when the Fedex guy is at the door with new dog beds and cute little collars that were ordered online..... It wasn't me I swear, Zaire must be using the computer when we go to work. :D

  • Jack does the big sigh. We have a blanket on the couch that he moves around until he gets it in a good nest, then moves it around some more…after about 10 minutes, he finally settles down with a huge dramatic sigh. As in, "its still not how I want it, but I give up"

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