Dingo with his floppy ears
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Yes much bigger :) He's a cutie! To me kind of looks like he could be part Basenji but I'm no expert. I'm interested to see what the veterans on here think he is!
He's a pretty boy….is that a little white patch on his rump? I can see the basenji but as far as I'm concerned, it is a coin toss as to what else is there.
lol i love them. i really think they just have a bad reputation. but people with strong opinions are hard to sway.. lol i googled pit bulls because thats the first thing that i thought of when i saw your dogs face.. and found that picture.. and it REALLY convinced me that it was a good chance of being the other "part" of your dog. that dog works with the k9 unit of that police station.. so not all pits are bad :D and obviously trainable..
It's kind of funny actually, the white patch on his rump almost looks like the Nike swoosh. My wife and I have thought about the Pit Bull part of him but my wife isn't too fond of Pit Bulls so she is in total denial!
Frankly, I'd be more concerned about the Basenji in him, LOL.
Pit bulls are awesome, friendly, goofy, eager to please, loyal dogs. Dingo'd be doing well to have a bit of that in him!
Yeah, I agree that they do get a bad rap. My wife got "charged" by a pit bull that was off leash on our block while she was walking our daughter who was only a year old at the time. She did her best " I'm momma bear and you'd better not mess with me or my daughter" pose and yelled at the dog to stop and go home and oddly enough the dog did just that. Same thing could have happened with any dog I suppose, but it left her with a lasting impression.
i just thought the dogs in both pictures looked exactly the same. the body and skull dont necessarily have to mirror the pit for it to be part pit. just my opinion.
and arent rat terriers extremely tiny? like.. jack russell size? that dog is way bigger than a B, so i would assume whatever its mixed with, if it is indeed part B, would be a bigger breed.
I am pretty sure that Dingo is about Basenjis size, based on the his relation to the human foot in the pic?
Above is a link to Decker Rat terriers. They are bigger than traditional rat terriers (who are a little bigger/taller than Jacks), and they clearly have some Basenji blood in their mix. Some seem to have floppy ears, though I am guessing that isn't to their standard. And they dock the tails, but the ones who have tails seem to curl over their backs.
And actually, the body mass and skull width are what defines pit bull. It is what defines their breed type. They tend to be traits that are STRONG even when bred to other breeds. So, that is what you look for when you are attempting to ID a pit mix.
I dunno….who knows what really is in the mix of a mixed dogs. We can speculate. I would definitely say that somewhere back in the line Dingo has some B. And what the rest is, could be anybody's guess :)
Here is another link to a similar looking pup