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Pictures of Tosca

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  • OMG!! What a CUTE girl!! :D

  • Very cute Tosca is! I love the one of her sit/sleep position. Like she's fake guarding, ready to pounce and alert - no matter what! :cool:

  • I know a lot of people think its not good, but I do a combo of science diet and purina beneful. She does well on it, and likes it a lot. She was on science diet when we picked her up, and the vet recommended it as well, but then we also decided to add in the Beneful. Like I said, it may not be the absolute best, but she does very well on it. I don't think her allergies are related to food, as other than scratching her eyes occasionally she has no other reactions, and I am not even sure its allergies. I just have my suspicions because she did it a lot more in summer/spring and hardly does it now. Plus she sneezed a little more then too, although nothing bad. I can relate, I get the same way that time of year :) Like I said, if she seems uncomfortable this spring I will ask the vet about it. She was very new to us last spring, and she is my first dog so I was a bit inexperienced. She is just fine now though, in winter, although I bet she is hoping for warmer weather to be able to get back into a normal walking schedule!

  • Sorry, I have to disagree. Bad food causes issues in your dog and good food doesn't!
    She might be coping on the food your feeding her, but add that extra stresser in the air/ground, she starts itching.
    Beneful is not a good food.
    I won't go into the "stuff" in it that dogs don't need, but you need to get her off of it.
    I have to tell you, you will spend less on cheap, crummy food and more at the vet, and have a dog with "issues" or you spend more at the dog food store and your dog doesn't go to the vet or have "issues".
    Its totally up to you as you have the $$ and the car.
    I hope you will be open to improving your dogs diet and see if some of the things that are bothering her go away.
    Sorry to sound so harsh, but the dog can't tell you what we have learned over years of basenji ownership.

  • She is just precious, I have seen the pen sneak act many times. You know pens are a Basenjis prize posessions, haha!!! When I got my B from a pet shop I was riding home with her and before I could get out of the parking lot she was screaming, she got her front tooth caught on the crate, and then once I got that problem solved, awhile later I see this precious dog sleeping sitting up. I was like, "Wow, that is the strangest thing I have ever seen, what have I got myself into." I am so glad I got her, she is such company for me b/c my hubby works the night shift and I am home alone. She is my baby girl, I have a son 24 who lives 5 hrs. away so he says I have a new baby. haha!!!!!!

  • I understand what you are saying, but I wouldn't say she has "issues." Maybe the way I wrote about her scratching her eyes seems exaggerated, she only right now does it a bit in the morning, like waking up to get the "Crusties" out of the eye. Like I said she did it a bit more last summer, and I was going to ask the vet about allergies, but then it stopped so I decided to wait until what this spring will bring.
    We have had her exactly one year today, and (knock on wood) she has been EXTREMEMLY healthy, great appetite, great bathroom habits, I really can't say how she could be better. We have never been to the vet other than for routine shots, etc. So, I am not saying you are wrong or anything, I just don't have much motivation to switch because he likes her food and is a very healthy dog. If I see anything to indicate otherwise I would definitely be willing to switch, and I will definitely be talking to the vet if her eye scratching comes back with the warmer weather

  • Ok, your dog is young. I don't know how old you are.
    But I am old.
    So, when I was a young, I could love on junk food, and there was no issue.
    Believe me, as you or anything ages, it does catch up with you.
    The general rule of thinking is if you can get the animals food at a grocery story, its not "great" food.
    I will stand corrected on some items/some stores, but mostly, if you want a healthy long lived dog, you treat them as you treat yourself and make sure the diet is the very best that there is.
    So, good luck with your dog.
    We are always here to help.

  • Thank you for your input. Tosca is either 3 or 5, the humane society in Dubuque said she was 4 when we got her (1 yr ago) but my vet thought more like 2 when I brought her in for an eval when we first got her. I understand what you are saying about junk food, lol, I am almost 28 and you are right, it catches up to you much faster than when you are younger :)
    That being said, I know Beneful isn't the greatest, but what about Science Diet? Do you feel that is not good as well? What kinds of dog food do you recommend? I would definitely be interested in checking into it and speaking about it with the vet next time we go in for her routine appt.

  • I feed my dogs organic.
    Its dog food you get at a dog food store.
    Lots of info on this list re food.
    My boy is ichy with wheat and so we do a chicken/rice food.
    No colors no additives.
    Heavens! the 2 b's I have eat better than I do. Laugh, but we have not had to go to the vet in years…and except for dental, they have not needed any
    other procedures.
    So, for me this works.
    Others will give you their ideas.
    Thank you for taking my post as it was meant.
    I wanted to help you and your dog and I hope I did.
    Oh, when Cody starts chewing/iching, usually in summer if I get him on benadril 2-3 times a day, its all good. We do this for a few weeks and slowly taper off..
    Otherwise, we see no ichy issues here.
    Oh, if your dog does have food issues, and having ichiness always makes me think they what is in the treats you give them as well.
    Dies that make colors in the biskets are for the humans.
    Dogs can't see them, and it just something else they don't need in their bodies.

  • I love the picture of her leaning on the desk going for the pens. We always make sure that we move the couch, chairs and anything else they can jump up on away from the desk…...but the other day while I was working on the computer Sawyer just jumps up on the desk right next to me with no effort and starts sniffing the pens and paper and looks at me like "What?'

  • They are sneaky, arent' they?! She was very smart about it too, we had to move the couch closer to the computer desk and had the tree on the other side of the couch, so she would grab the pens, then when we would see her, she would take one in her mouth and run behind the couch or the tree so we couldn't get her. I finally had to resort to baiting her with a treat to get her out, which of course encouraged the behavior! Even after moving the pens, she would continue climbing up there to see what she could sniff out…for once I was glad to take the tree down (usually I love it and keep it up way too long :) )

  • Sometimes I let EL D sit on my lap while I work on the computer but often he gets antsy and stands up and starts to try to climb onto the desk and snatch stuff. :) Just like in your picture

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    @Rita: Dan how did you do that? You will have to go step by step my daughter and I both could not get them on here. I see them great from you help me please got lots more want to put on here. Got some of her chasing the kids play plane that fly's. Buana your so correct innocent is that really a word. We love her to death but she is a hand full. At the is not a dull second most of the time. How are you doing? Are you getting some rest? Third question what is the due date? Thank you Holly and crystalncody. Rita Jean I posted them from your album as I was curious to see and help you if I could do it. OK here's the steps. 1.Start your new thread in Basenji Forums. Type in what you want to start it off with. **2.**Now open another browser tab so you can open your photo album separate. **3.**Open a picture from your album. **4.**With your mouse pointer on the picture, right click on the picture. A box will open with a line that says "properties". 5.Click on that and another box will open up. On the line that says "Location", just take your mouse pointer and put it right at the the start of the http…...... and hold the left side button of your mouse down and drag it all the way across to the right until it stops. The long line of numbers should be darkened. The last letters on that line should be"jpg" Let go of the button. **6.**Put the mouse pointer on that area anywhere and right click your mouse and choose "Copy". **7.**Now you have to go back to Basenji Forums. **8.**You see those icons on top for formatting, click on that yellow square box that looks like a picture of a mountain with a moon, click on that. A box will open that says Please enter the URL of your image: Put your mouse on that line and right click and paste that long line you copied in there and then click "OK". **9.**It will now put that line of information onto your thread. You will see that same address now but no picture. That's OK because when you're done you'll see them. **10.**At the beginning and end of that line should be . Put your mouse right after that one on the end and click so your curser is blinking and then hit "enter" on your keyboard so it goes down a line. Now you can type in what you want to describe that picture that will show up. Now click "enter" again to go down a line 11.Now go back to your album and do those same steps again for the rest of pictures. I will now try it. [image: 374821752.jpg] Isn't Jaycee cute! [image: 374821745.jpg] I'm ready for a show!
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    @hdolbow: haha i love those pics.. im sure you got them to turn out better than i could of!! my B's wont sit still!! lol Great pics My failed attempt- [image: cu_ch.jpg]
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