wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 16:07 last edited by
I have a boy, now 16 1/2 yrs old that was sired by Midge's old boy.. Jazzman… When you go get your pup... tell her that Pat and OJ (Ch Bushbabies Obviously Jazz) say HI... and that OJ is still going strong... Midge got to see him in person at the nationals last October....
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 16:11 last edited by
Well if you read the Evergreen manual… it is pretty darn close to 24/7.... unless they have changed it.... IMO, should be at least equal time in and out of the crate... of course all situations are different... but that is the rule of thumb I mostly try to go by....
I have the 2002 edition and it states
"If no one is free to supervise the puppy, it is probably best to crate him if he cannot otherwise be restrained from mischief".
It does have a larger piece in the house-training section, but it is mostly about dealing with a young puppy that must be confined for four to six hours a day – if the owner is working,etc.
The trainer I took Jazzy to recommended only letting the pups out of the crate to go out for potty and 10 -1 5 minutes of play time every two hours. It was EXTREME crate training, IMO, and there was no way I was going to do that! UGH>
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 16:32 last edited by
I have a boy, now 16 1/2 yrs old that was sired by Midge's old boy.. Jazzman… When you go get your pup... tell her that Pat and OJ (Ch Bushbabies Obviously Jazz) say HI... and that OJ is still going strong... Midge got to see him in person at the nationals last October....
I will be sure to tell her you say hello!
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 16:43 last edited by
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 16:45 last edited by
I have the 2002 edition and it states
"If no one is free to supervise the puppy, it is probably best to crate him if he cannot otherwise be restrained from mischief".
It does have a larger piece in the house-training section, but it is mostly about dealing with a young puppy that must be confined for four to six hours a day – if the owner is working,etc.
The trainer I took Jazzy to recommended only letting the pups out of the crate to go out for potty and 10 -1 5 minutes of play time every two hours. It was EXTREME crate training, IMO, and there was no way I was going to do that! UGH>
This could be a revision then, mine is really really old… The one I have used to have a time line published?
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 16:53 last edited by
that picture of him laying on his brother is soooo adorable. I'm a little jealous.. :p I'm right in your boat though, our pup is being shipped out NEXT friday.. and I am going completely crazy waiting. haha good luck! :D
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 16:59 last edited by
I have the 2002 edition and it states
"If no one is free to supervise the puppy, it is probably best to crate him if he cannot otherwise be restrained from mischief".
It does have a larger piece in the house-training section, but it is mostly about dealing with a young puppy that must be confined for four to six hours a day – if the owner is working,etc.
The trainer I took Jazzy to recommended only letting the pups out of the crate to go out for potty and 10 -1 5 minutes of play time every two hours. It was EXTREME crate training, IMO, and there was no way I was going to do that! UGH>
I agree, wow that is extreme. We start the puppies out with an expen arrangement similar to yours…....crates inside the expens. We give the pups freedom outside the expen in tiny increments. You give them too much freedom, they may not want to go back into the expen......I understand that.................but sentencing them to a crate 24/7 seems a bit much to me.
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 17:24 last edited by
that picture of him laying on his brother is soooo adorable. I'm a little jealous.. :p I'm right in your boat though, our pup is being shipped out NEXT friday.. and I am going completely crazy waiting. haha good luck! :D
Where are you getting your puppy from?
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 17:25 last edited by
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 17:34 last edited by
shes coming from Oklahoma.. & we're in new jersey
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 17:35 last edited by
Thank you, he is a handsome boy….
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 17:40 last edited by
shes coming from Oklahoma.. & we're in new jersey
Is it the same breeder you got your first from?
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 17:54 last edited by
nope not the same breeder. rockys breeder is from NJ too.. we actually bought him from a man that had bought him from the breeder.. and the breeder didnt know he sold him.. but when i contacted her she was happy he had a good home.. she wanted us to take some older dogs, but we really wanted a puppy. Rocky was over a year old when we got him. he had an extremely bad temper and was literally VICIOUS. we had a lot of problems with him. Luckily, we broke him of his anger..although it does flare from time to time.. its NEVER like it was before.. and its always directed towards my boyfriend.. not me:D [he loves his mommy:p ] so even though i have a B, the whole puppy thing is new to me..
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 18:03 last edited by
so even though i have a B, the whole puppy thing is new to me..
What a great story! I'm sure a puppy is a whole new experience. Hopefully we can go through it together since we get ours at the end of this month :) Our breeder is in Florida though, about 2 hours from where we live. What are you going to name your pup?
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 18:17 last edited by
well.. i liked Bella.. but my boyfriend HATES it.. :mad: so i thought Mia. I tried to throw it in and have.. Mia Bella.. [my beauty in italian] buuuut he still said no.. hahaha i guess I got to pick the puppy out of the litter, he had final say on the name.. lol
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 18:21 last edited by
Hi Nina…well after chatting with you before, I looked into see if Midge had any puppies since the breeder we got Mia from is not planning a litter this year, and we so wanted to get Mia a brother. I am going to pick him up on Feb 1st (my boyfriends birthday). She said you picked yours out, and she is keeping one of the males, I told her I was not picky, as long as it was a male we'll be happy. So if ever you are in the Orlando area and want a play date let me know, I am sure it would be funny to see them play again. Thanks for posting pics, Midge was trying to send some to me but she wasn't able to. She sounds like such a lovely person, I can't wait to see the pup and how Mia is going to react to him!
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 18:52 last edited by
Hi Nina…well after chatting with you before, I looked into see if Midge had any puppies since the breeder we got Mia from is not planning a litter this year, and we so wanted to get Mia a brother. I am going to pick him up on Feb 1st (my boyfriends birthday). She said you picked yours out, and she is keeping one of the males, I told her I was not picky, as long as it was a male we'll be happy. So if ever you are in the Orlando area and want a play date let me know, I am sure it would be funny to see them play again. Thanks for posting pics, Midge was trying to send some to me but she wasn't able to. She sounds like such a lovely person, I can't wait to see the pup and how Mia is going to react to him!
That's great! I played with all three of the boys & they were all just wonderful! It was hard to pick one actually. I think the only reason why we picked the one we did was because Mark (my boyfriend) chose from the pictures I brought home for him to see. He asked me what I thought of that one's personality & I told him that based on personality they were all the same so it was easier just to choose by markings. Haha. You are going to be very happy with him! Have you come up with a name yet? I may have to take a trip up to Orlando just so he can be reunited with his brother :p
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 19:08 last edited by
oh good, I'm glad they all have good personalities! that will help dealing with his new sister lol…I chose Mia by how she didn't squirm when I held her for a whole hour while chosing which one. The other one didn't like to be held at all.
I think we are going to name the new pup Nike.I wanted something Egyptian, since our pup now is Mia Pharaoh, but I guess Mike gets to chose this time. Feel free to stop by anytime, I have a fenced in yard, it's not 2 acres of land, but Mia seems to love it all the same lol...We're just off the turnpike, so it's very easy to get here :) -
wrote on 11 Jan 2008, 19:12 last edited by
I held all three and don't remember any of them squirming. So you should be good!
I'll definitely have to come up there now. I'm excited! :)