How much do Basenji EXACTLY SHED..
I think they don't "shed" like other dogs in that they don't leave hair all over the floors, but they do leave hair on blankets, black shirts, etc. Some will "blow" once or twice a year, when they get a shaggier look and you have to brush them to get the loose hair out, or when you bathe them there's a lot of hair left in the tub.
But they don't seem to produce the dander that other breeds do, which is what annoys the allergic.
No mammal is going to be completely shed-free. I mean, even humans lose hair!
Tucker sheds like leaves fall in, well, Fall. However, he ONLY sheds in the summer. It's cold now. His coat is thickening and I swear I can't even PULL hair out of him. Give him a hot summer day and he'll give you a 'drive by shedding'. My bed is literally covered in his short little hairs in just a few days in the summer. I keep a lint roll right next to the bed. He likes to sit on his pillows on his side of the bed and look out the window. I have to roll them daily to keep them looking somewhat hair free.
Did I say 'his side of the bed', well, what I meant was, errr….nevermind... My training is coming along nicely... :p
I think they don't "shed" like other dogs in that they don't leave hair all over the floors, but they do leave hair on blankets, black shirts, etc. Some will "blow" once or twice a year, when they get a shaggier look and you have to brush them to get the loose hair out, or when you bathe them there's a lot of hair left in the tub.
But they don't seem to produce the dander that other breeds do, which is what annoys the allergic.
No mammal is going to be completely shed-free. I mean, even humans lose hair!
They do have dander, just not as much as other dogs… and the only way to really know if there are allergies to Basenjis is to visit with them... and/or get someone to give you a sleep blanket that a Basenji uses... and sleep on it.... you will know soon enough....
I pet sat a jack russell for about 6 years and I was very allergic to him (but I loved him so much, I still took care of him constantly and he stayed at my house and slept in my bed). Trust me, a thorough cleaning after he went home to his owner, was the only way to get rid of the allergens and the hair (boy do JRs shed!).
I am not allergic to my basenji, Ruby and was not allergic to my brother's basenji, Zeke, that was in the house when I was growing up. I'm also allergic to my friends' golden and to their german shephard. That said, I know of people that are allergic to basenjis.
Best to do what Tanza suggests and have your Mom visit with the basenjis and more than once. :D.
well I was really allergic to dogs and cats for the past 10 years which is weird since I had dogs when I was a teenager. I have been wanting a dog forever, and that's how I came across Basenjis they are the the semi hypoallergenic category along with yorkies and poodles. I have to admit that the 1st few weeks my eyes were a bit itchy but i kept at it, and now nothing. THey toatlly went away! even when she sheds a bit I'm perfect. I even used to get rashes if a dog licked me, but not her. So good luck I hope your mom's allergies will be fine. Tell her to stick it out and her body will build up an immunity to the dog
:O oo this is good news, okay i will do that :). and yes im deff bringing her with me :). cuz the deal was if she's allergic then we might not b able to get one .
Really is best to do it before… that way you know way before it would be time to bring home a puppy... that would be way heartbreaking... or to bring the pup home and then have to return....