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Lucy bit a kid- Lawsuit pending?!

Behavioral Issues
  • JazzysMom, my comment was not directed at you specifically. Just reminding everyone about the etiquette on this forum.

  • I know this may sound off track but…I've noticed that a few/one of the members on this forum can be very rude at times. At one point I was told some harsh things , that almost made me want to never come back to this forum. But then I realized, I can just simple block them, and choose to ignore them. I can't judge a group based on just a few/one member.

    I'll say a prayer that everything works out for Larka & her neighbors. I know these kind of situations are never easy to live with.

  • @luvsmy2bs:

    Yep, I agree. The world would be a better place if people were bread like dogs– keeping the good qualities and weeding out the bad!

    Ahh, but who gets to set THAT standard? Pretty scary proposition!!!

  • @massagemom3:

    I know this may sound off track but…I've noticed that a few/one of the members on this forum can be very rude at times. At one point I was told some harsh things , that almost made me want to never come back to this forum. But then I realized, I can just simple block them, and choose to ignore them. I can't judge a group based on just a few/one member.QUOTE]

    Right. We all have grumpy days. AND, on email and e-forums, etc. you can't read body language or tone, so it's also very easy to misinterpret what is said, and how it was meant.

    It's often best to let those comments that appear to be rude or harsh just roll off our backs.....

    .... but sometimes . . . . :o . . it's just too easy to snap back! Or appear to snap back.

    Internet communication is a such a blessing and such a curse!

  • :) I hear ya!

  • I know I have said things that are rather blunt or harsh and never have meant any harm or apologize for anything I am unaware of.

    I do like a good discussion and to challenge people's ideas (like no one showing image proof of other dogs having basenji like paws - I'm still waiting)

    I believe everyone here means well and no one is truly mean, just maybe a bit over opinionated- we all are to some degree- lets face it -we are Basenji owners. It takes a special strong willed person to really be successful with these dogs. I'm still learning. Everyday things are better & better with our dogs (only took 7 years-we dont give up on our family)

    I guess what's really needed here is more firm moderators to step in and delete or reprimand when things are going south, locking or deleting comments & threads- Thats what forum moderators are supposed to do.

  • @Barklessdog:

    I know I have said things that are rather blunt or harsh and never have meant any harm or apologize for anything I am unaware of.

    I do like a good discussion and to challenge people's ideas (like no one showing image proof of other dogs having basenji like paws - I'm still waiting)

    I believe everyone here means well and no one is truly mean, just maybe a bit over opinionated- we all are to some degree- lets face it -we are Basenji owners. It takes a special strong willed person to really be successful with these dogs. I'm still learning. Everyday things are better & better with our dogs (only took 7 years-we dont give up on our family)

    I guess what's really needed here is more firm moderators to step in and delete or reprimand when things are going south, locking or deleting comments & threads- Thats what forum moderators are supposed to do.

    Wow! Really? I think the moderators are doing a perfect job. I am on more than one message board, and I think the conversations here are very civil, supportive and on topic.

    The few times that things have really deteriorated, the fact that threads haven't been shut down has given people the opportunity to apologize (myself included) when they realized they had hurt someone, or been too critical or harsh.

    We are all grown-ups here…all thinking rational people. We all know how to play nice, and we know when we have stepped over the line, and what to do about it. I think the moderation is just right :)

  • I've participated in football forums and trust me this site is very tame in comparison. As Jazzy points out sometimes you can't really know what the poster is trying to say or it comes off differently than the poster intended.

    It's just about respecting each other's opinion people, we don't have to agree, but we don't have to show disrespect either.

  • I appreciate and except your apology.

  • I've posted about Tucker being aggressive before and I think it might apply a bit here as this situation is VERY 'close to home'. I am VERY careful with my dog knowing his tendancies. However, there is the rare occasion where he ends up tangled with another dog who pops around a corner or gets uncomfortably close to a person and there is a risk of that person getting bit. Tucker HAS bitten. He's bitten MANY people as a matter of fact. Noone is perfect and I really feel like I do a great job in avoiding these situations and managing my dog's contact with others.

    The simply fact is that even when you are there, and when you are taking what you feel is EVERY precaution, stuff happens that is beyond your control. I learn a new lesson with Tucker every day. Owning a B, especially a B that has been in and out of fosters, moved, abused, etc is almost like a second job. I can't let my guard down for one second with Tucker. I even considered, for a brief period in heavy frustration (peeing everywhere, shredding duvets, general bad behavior), giving him back to BRAT for rehoming and I have had experience with B's in my past. In the end, however, the rewards of having him in my life far outweighed how I would feel now were he not here. There was just an adjustment period that I know fully understand. Now, I leave him alone in my condo with full access. We've reached that 'mutual respect' level and he never disappoints me because I never let him down. It seems to be exactly what my B needed in his life. Someone to take him in, struggle through the adjustments to his FIFTH home where others apparently couldn't, protect him, take care of him and treat him with respect and let him be a B.

    One realizes how important their pet is when they are almost hit by a car (last night) and they yank their dog out from in front of the car (that ran a stop sign) before jumping to safety themselves.

    In my opinion, he couldn't be a more perfect dog. :)

  • Wow…glad i read your post. It's very touching you've stuck it out with him...GOOD FOR've really come through for him. Glad you're both ok after the car incident.

  • Larka,
    Good luck with all of this.
    I do have a question about if they do sue. Can you counter sue for trespassing?
    It is sad that there are people that would take advantage of the situation and sue. I have an aunt and uncle that are the same way and it just baffles me. It is like the person that sued when they spilled hot coffee on themselves.
    personal responsibilty–people !!!!:p
    Really, good luck.

  • We have considered moderation and decided against it for the time being. We want this forum to be a happy self policing community created by Basenji owners for Basenji owners.

    Several of us read the forums daily and we do get alerted by senior members if things get out of control. Then we just remind people about the forum rules. :)

    So far our reminders about respecting each other worked well and noone had to be booted. Some members left because they just could not handle a difference of opinion or did not want give into the argument. But in the end we think it was the best for the rest of Basenji Forums community and the new people that are lurking around deciding whether to join or not.

  • I couldn't really get them for trespassing since I don't have a fence so we can't prove that they were in my yard. I've toyed with the idea of getting Child Services involved since this 3 or 4 year old should NOT be running the neighborhood without adult supervision. But it seems like it's going to blow over. At least I pray that it does.

    Animal Control will be here at some point today to let Lucy off "house arrest". I think that we're going to celebrate with a trip to the dog park and a small shopping trip so she can pick out a new toy. :)

    I've seriously considered giving Lucy up along the way. We got her from the shelter, she'd been returned twice because she was "destructive" and had spent 6 months in the shelter by the time I got her. She had about 3 months where she peed everywhere, destroyed everything she could get ahold of and ran off every chance she got- and it did a LOT to my nerves and I really wanted to give her back. But I toughed it out. And I didn't realize just how much I cared about her until she jumped on that kid and they were talking about taking her from me. She's my little kid and I wouldn't give her up for anything. :) Right now she's curled up on my sofa sleeping with my Husky laying his head on her like she's a pillow and I'm thinking "My kids are so cute, I love them so much."

  • So I just read this whole post and Larka, I feel bad for the situation you are in. I can completely empathize with what you are going through based on my previous experiences with Lenny/Tayda and the neighborhood kids when i was in michigan. I hope everything goes all right and I'm glad the AC guy was on your side. Today is Nov 7th! Lucy is done w/ house arrest now!

    It also makes me even more certain that my move to another apartment is the right thing to do. For those who haven't read my post on "moving woes," my current landlords do not want me supervising my dogs in the yard because they feel it is an invasion of their privacy since their bedroom windows are at the same level as the yard. These landlords regularly have visitors (humans and canines) and I am 100000% sure i would not be comfortable having lenny and tayda meet people/dogs without me there.

  • @Larka:

    I couldn't really get them for trespassing since I don't have a fence so we can't prove that they were in my yard….

    Would they stoop to lying under oath? Saying that the dog was OUT of his yard when the bite happened?

    I do hope it blows over. It sounds like it was blown way out of proportion.

  • We had an issues a few years ago with neighborhood kids running thru our yard. (Our B is let out on a 45 foot run in the back yard… yard is not fenced). At any rate, we had explained to all the kids in the neighborhood who frequented our yard about the dogs "no touch" policy, etc. We had a couple of kids though who loved to terrorize our B (throwing sticks, taunting him to run and snap at the end of his line, etc). The first time it happend, we told this kids parents to have their kids knock it off. The second time, we called and reported the incident to the police. I wasn't about to let the third time happen with a dog bite and have the police confiscate my dog.

    Advice for all: Anytime you start to have issues with kids and dogs in your yard, report it to the police. A paper trail thru your local precinct detailing the protective measures you have taken, as well as any trepasses and/or issues with the locals that you have, go a long way in a court of law establishing who actually is "at fault".

    Best of luck. God love our sue-happy country. bleh

  • Is there any update on this situation?

  • Larka,

    Is Lucy up to date on her rabies shots? Make sure you have the documentation – call your vet for a copy if you don't have it at home (her life could depend on this).

    If she is overdue for a booster, take her in immediately to get a rabies titer done.

    Hopefully nothing will come of all this, but if it should, it's best to be prepared.


  • I know it's been a while, but I haven't been on in some time and figured I'd update everyone.

    Nothing ended up coming of it. Lucy served out her house arrest with no issues. The kids no longer come in my yard, which is a good thing. But we still have issues with the kids running wild through the neighborhood. And recently have had issues with stray dogs running around. But I now work for the county Animal Control since the shelter I worked at went under. So when all the stray dogs come into my yard, I scoop them up and take them in. :)

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