This works if you have Widows XP~~
I hope I can describe this to follow:
Do you have Microsoft Windows XP? If you do, go to your picture folder.
-Click on a few pics you want resized while holding down your "Ctrl" key.
-Right Click in one of the pics, scroll down to "Send To" and pick "Mail Recipient".
-See a "Resize note? Click button "Make all my pics smaller".
-Then an email window pops up - type in your email address and mail it to yourself.
-When you get your email with these pics, pick them, Right Click "Save As" rename them eg. "Resized Sahara pics", etc. Make sure you browse for your "My Pictures" so you don't lose them.
That's what I did. I printed out the Admins instructions, and opted to email the pics smaller to myself.