New home needed for Foxy and Cami

  • Nope you did not miss something there. They thought because Foxy and Cami were outside that they were the ones that they were out for. Which struck me too because they were inside a fence and our front door was open… Does not make much sense does it?

  • @TCassidy:

    Nope you did not miss something there. They thought because Foxy and Cami were outside that they were the ones that they were out for. Which struck me too because they were inside a fence and our front door was open… Does not make much sense does it?

    Yeah, that's where I'd look first for abandoned pets…. right there in someone's fenced yard. 😕 😕 😕

    I'm thinking someone's either none too bright, or looking for an easy way to get their job "done". Lucky you were able to hear her out there.

  • @TCassidy:

    Hello my name is Tiffany and I was out playing around on google and came across the thread on Foxy and Cami and I noticed there was a post wondering what had happened with them. Good news I adopted them and let me tell you they are SPOILED!!!!!!!!!! They are wonderful and happy and I do not see how any one could ever classify them as being mean dogs because they are far from. When playing if they bite too hard the magic word is "ow" and they stop immediately. They are very gentle natured and act like they are puppies about 95% of the time…..

    Wonderful and thanks for joining the list and letting us all know how they are getting on…. You sound like a perfect Basenji "parent".... again thanks...

  • I am so happy that you adopted those two. what a wonder basenji person you are. 🙂 thank you for giving them a forever home.

  • I am so glad Foxy and Cami have such a good and loving home. The whole thing was so awful, though their former owner must miss them terribly, knowing they are loved and safe now surely be a huge comfort.
    Hooray for you, for rescuing 2 good girls.
    Anne in Tampa

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