Are tricolors more naughty than reds?
In my house my tri Sugar has definitely been more, ummm, "out to lunch, do her own thing" than Shadow. I can't tell with Damisi yet, she's only a pup.
Are African stock descendants more "Basenji like" meaning more feral in nature?
I can only tell you from what I have seen from others Af's. No.
Are Basenji's the only dog that can physically cry/-shed tears?
Never seen this happen! Dog's don't produce tears like humans-now elephants do cry.
Can a basenji smell/sense or see a bird at 40 yards as stated in "Goodbye My Lady"?
Um, if Sugar's anything to go by-not only can they see it, but they can catch it too!!
What is the real top speed of a basenji documented?
Not a clue. Can you really track that??
Basenji's are not really feral, but domesticated dogs not that different than other independent breeds?
There is domesticated dogs-bred for human use; independent-bred for a purpose, eg chows; and then Basenji's himmmm don't fit into either.
You read about other breeds having the same personality characteristics as basenjis. Are they really feral dogs made pets?
They have always been used by humans-so I would say feral pets.
Basenjis are highly intelligent?
Intelligent-yes in a lot of ways. They will think about things. Shadow knew the chickens were out back, but had to think about how to get to them. Took him two weeks, but he did have fresh chicken!
How does one prove dog intelligence?
A lot of behaviourists use games, problem solving, etc to grade the intelligence.
Basenjis have a sense of humor, dignity and other humanized emotions.
I don't believe they are human emotions. Sorry Chimpanzees and Gorillas have the most human emotions. Humor, dignity, etc are a learned behaviour-not an inherent behaviour. You grow up in certain surroundings learning these behaviours not by inheriting them.
They are ADHD dogs?
There are certain diseases and afflictions that would make it so. Within breeds there a certainly more active and less active dogs. But ADHD, ADD etc. is a human made problem. Faulty genetics and human judgement make this so. These are not problems that are usually predisposed in any one human. They are environmental (ingestion of chemicals,foods, etc in the womb) and unselective breeding in humans. (Sorry if this sounds horrendous). 40 yrs ago you never heard of these problems, now they are all over the map. A lot of the ADHD and ADD kids are a side result of a drug or alcohol problem from the mother while the child was in the womb.
Anubus is a Basenji
Good luck proving that one!
Who the heck knows!
Any others other than "they are mute" obvious ones?
Mute?? They scream, baroo, roo, growl, snarl, hiss. Mute is not possible