Looking for young male Basenji in or near Florida
wrote on 3 May 2019, 19:51 last edited by
The best dog I ever had was a Basenji and I always said I wanted another after my four kids were older. The kids are much older now (ages 13-21) but their college tuition is draining my finances (can't afford an $1000-1800 Basenji puppy). If you/anyone you know (reputable/southeast region) has a young Basenji needing a home, please let me know. I'll keep checking BRAT in the meantime. Thank you!
wrote on 3 May 2019, 21:24 last edited by
Responsible breeders have a Facebook page for adopting older Bs, those that maybe didn't make the show circuit or throw the best pups. You might join that group and request to adopt. I had to travel for mine but there may be one in the FL area... can't hurt.
wrote on 3 May 2019, 22:35 last edited by
Contact Pam Hamilton at http://www.campbasenji.org/
replied to DebraDownSouth on 3 May 2019, 23:03 last edited by
@debradownsouth Thank you for the tip. I just submitted an application to Camp Basenji. :)
wrote on 4 Jun 2019, 21:58 last edited by
I am in Jax and have a 5 month old male Besenji. Great dog, but I have 2 other dogs and my son bought Melo at college and brought him home with him. Let me know if interested.
replied to MichaelL on 4 Jun 2019, 23:31 last edited by
@michaell Since it is your son's dog, I wonder where he got the dog. If from a responsible breeder, they almost always have contracts requiring returning the dog to them.
replied to DebraDownSouth on 5 Jun 2019, 20:07 last edited by
@debradownsouth He did not buy from a breeder
wrote on 30 Jul 2019, 04:09 last edited by
This popped up on Facebook... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157403056409731&set=a.10150936620199731&type=3&theater&ifg=1