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Puppy biting

Basenji Training
  • Puppies, like babies, just gotta mouth things. The second the teeth touch, you can gently close his mouth, say "NO TEETH" then ignore. Yeah, it will take a long time... you are dealing with a baby. Until my first basenji, YELPING helped. Yelping made my basenjis happy and they'd say " DO IT AGAIN!" So... say "no teeth", close their mouth, then ignore. Since the most desirable object is you, it will catch on that biting loses your attention. Handing an appropriate chew toy helps.

  • Hi, my puppy will be 8weeks tomorrow, and she nips, when trying to play and kiss. I know it can be normal puppy playing but I have a full blooded shitzu and when my basenji tries to play she seems to go toon far (in my opinion) I have tried to sternly say No, swat her hind quarter, and even tried to put my thumb under her tongue in her mouth while saying no.. will this all stop or do I need to try something else or am I paranoid that this will develop into bad behavior and I am expecting too much from her at this young age?? On an up side I have gotten her used to a lead... lol

  • @drew82 IMO you are expecting too much.... and how old was she when you got her? If just going to be 8 wks, she was taken from the litter too early, this is the age that playing with littermates or older dogs they learn what is too much.... Is the Shitzu correcting her? That is how they learn "soft bite".... And I don't agree with "swating" her.... physical punishment is never the answer.

  • I got her at 7 weeks old and yes our shitzu does help correct her also I don't swat her much only one time when she when on this rebellious bite moment... most of the time it's telling her No and doing the thumb trick

  • That is just the stage that she is in right now! They explore everything with their mouth, like children, and it really won't be letting up until she is around 6months or so! I have been saying 'no bites' to my girl and take her away from that area and give her her favorite toy. If she is biting me I will put her down and tell her no and walk away. I will also spritz her with water when she is biting something really bad like my shoes :(! That seems to be working, but it will take time because she is so young! Just be patient with her and reward her lots when she is doing good. As for your other dog, she will let the puppy know when she doesn't like what she is doing!
    Good Luck and I hope this helped some! It's an awesome time because they are so darn cute, but it is very frustrating also!

  • @drew82 said in Puppy biting:

    Hi, my puppy will be 8weeks tomorrow, and she nips, when trying to play and kiss. I know it can be normal puppy playing but I have a full blooded shitzu and when my basenji tries to play she seems to go toon far (in my opinion) I have tried to sternly say No, swat her hind quarter, and even tried to put my thumb under her tongue in her mouth while saying no.. will this all stop or do I need to try something else or am I paranoid that this will develop into bad behavior and I am expecting too much from her at this young age?? On an up side I have gotten her used to a lead... lol

    I agree with Pat, if your pup is 8 weeks old, you got her too young. The biggest reason for puppies to stay with their litter is to learn manners and bite inhibitions. You'll have irresponsible breeders say "oh they're done nursing at 5 weeks so you can have them." Nope. At least 8 weeks, even up to 12 with some lines/breeds.

    Swatting... no. Pushing your thumb under the tongue is painful, another no. Close her mouth, say no. Give her something appropriate to chew, and totally ignore. You may have to do this a 100 times over the next few weeks. You have a baby, and biting is what they do. They will eventually stop if you stay persistent. And yes, way to young to expect her to stop. It takes a couple of months and consistent work.

    As for your Shih tzu, is it a male or female? Neutered/spayed or intact? How old.

    You have a job to do... which is to seriously limit the amount of time the puppy gets access to your Shih Tzu. Tire the puppy out first, then let them interact a little at a time. Help build a good relationship. If the Shih tzu snarls/snaps at or simply leaves, stay out of it. Unless there is blood, stay out of it. Best to.. again... tire the puppy out before you let them together so she's less likely to do things your Shih tzu thinks needs correcting, but if correcting occurs, you are setting up a terrible problem by intervening. Especially since before too long, your basenji is going to be double its size of the Shih tzu and respect needs to be learned now.

  • @drew82 7 wks is too young to have been removed from the litter... my pups do not go to new homes till at least 10wks. I would not use the thumb trick as it will lead to problems when you need (or the Vet does) to look in her mouth, check teeth, etc....

  • Tanza it is a mixed thought on when to be able to take them from what I've read, I was going to wait an extra week but scheduling conflicts with the 7 hr drive made it impossible to wait. Plus I thought with having another dog the better thing was to introduce them together and my other dog is only a yr old
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  • @drew82

    I've been doing rescue and breeding (not Basenjis, and not for 20 yrs now)... and I have to say that among responsible trainers, rescues, breeders and professional veterinary behaviorists, you won't find any who will say under 8 weeks is okay for any breed... and for many, 10 to 12 weeks is recommended. It is in fact illegal to take puppies under 8 weeks from some states and it should be in all of them. Call a few dozen rescues and ask them how many animals they deal with that have issues started from being placed too young. It is good you are working on things, just hopefully the physical responses won't continue. No breed needs to be swatted or even mildly hurt for training. Basenjis even less so than many. It hurts your relationship with the puppy, and you are punishing a baby for being a baby... there is no "rebellious thing"... just normal behavior you have to patiently train away from.

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