I can leave mine loose in the car as long as there is more than one -the only time I've had damage (which included seat belts!) is when one's been left on their own. I would never leave the car running though and I always leave it in gear (I don't have internal locking either).
Meet Chewwey
Hi Everyone! I would like you all to meet my fur baby Chewwey. He certainly lives up to his name. He is a black and white 9 month old baby boy. https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/1239833_10202134443710824_1931236158_n.jpg He is for the most part a good boy, although he does have his craziness just like any other B.
Hi, Chewwey is very handsome, I do so love the shiny black coats on B+W, they look like they have tuxedos on. He looks to have a nice spot right up by the window.
Jolanda and Kaiser
Love the pose in his dapper coat!
Very nice and a good coat color for the fashionable basenji! Welcome!
LOL– looks like Chewwey knows just how handsome he is! The B&Ws are so elegant and, of course, the red just sets off that shiny coat and cute face.