This weekend is the NLCC in Cat spring, next weekend is in Decatur but its a terrrible field. My dogs got totally shreded there on the cut cotton plants growing there so we won't be back. They usually have events in Dec at Cat springs and Waller, but were overcome by othere events this yr so the clubs all combined events at the beginning of the month instead. There will be coursing at Hutto the first and last weekend in March. McKinney has an event scheduled for Jan that we will attend with our 4 if the weather is good enought to make the 8 hour drive. We will mostly be doing events in north TX this yr vs going to the Houston area. Just too expensive to drive 12 hours each way when there are enough events closer to home. 90% of the events are AKC now, the clubs have stopped doing ASFA for the most part as entries were so low.