Lately the dogs have taken to digging up little "lawn grubs" only 1 likes to try and eat them i do the best i can by trying to run over there before and get it but i can't be out there with them every minute. I was wondering if anyone else's dog has taken up this nasty hobby . There like a fat white worm . I am gonna run to petsmart and get some dewormer cuz i looked online and it said it can give the dog roundworms but said they where'nt poisonous . Any other suggestions ?
Try spraying with Nematodes…http://www.gardensalive.com/article.asp?ai=79&bhcd2=1258495182
Easy to do in the spring here in the midwest, not harmful to humans, pets, or birds and an added plus, they also eat flea larvae. I've been doing this for years and have NO FLEAS and very little grub activity in the lawn. (Our dept.of Ag. suggests spraying right before a rain, it helps the saturation/distribution of the Nematodes)
Skunks love grubs and will come to your yard to feast. Skunks + Basenji= a total disaster. Get rid of the grubs. It's easier than getting skunk oil off your dog, rugs, furniture, dog beds, clothes, whatever a recently sprayed B. will rub on to get the nastiness off him.:eek:
In the mean time good luck with the new "tasty treat" problem. I have no suggestions what so ever. As an aside, most insects appear to be a great source of protein for many cultures. Might be gross, but not harmful.
Maybe they're planning on going fishing. My neighbors lawn is a mess from Raccoons digging. Have you seen the B actually eat and swallow or just taste testing and spit out?
Amen to that….. We went through one fall/winter with the coons looking for grubs.. it was a nightmare!!! We had just had sod put down and every morning it was ROLLED up again.... ever "sod a lawn with the same sod day after day after day"?... and would drive the dogs nuts.. they could hear and smell them on the front lawn and were nuts all night long wanting to get to them.... finally I put carpet tack strip under the sod... that at least slowed them down until the grubs were gone.
Amen to that….. We went through one fall/winter with the coons looking for grubs.. it was a nightmare!!! We had just had sod put down and every morning it was ROLLED up again.... ever "sod a lawn with the same sod day after day after day"?... and would drive the dogs nuts.. they could hear and smell them on the front lawn and were nuts all night long wanting to get to them.... finally I put carpet tack strip under the sod... that at least slowed them down until the grubs were gone.
I walk Buddy every morning at 4:40 and his lawn is dug up in the same area. Nobody's lawn in the neighborhood is touched but his. Maybe the coons have a sense about how fickle he is about having a perfect yard.:D
Ya i've seen him crunch down on 1 ewww I don't understand why they want to eat something when the little legs on the grub is moving around eww just sick thinking about it LOL I went to the store and got some dewormer just in case . Looks like i'm gonna have to try and get rid of them . 1st cuz i really don't need them or I to have a run in with a skunk and also as soon as i let them out now the first thing they do is sniff like crazy all over the lawn till they find 1 maybe cuz it's been pretty wet around here they are coming up to the surface more . either way hopefully it's a hobby they will soon want to end :)
Thanks Snorky for the link :) Do u know where i can get that ? also it says u don't have to do ur whole lawn but i can't tell where they are or aren't maybe i should just follow the dogs around i am SURE they will show me :)
Sorry I missed this post. Was a few day offline. I have ordered from;
and @ the original link in my post. I shop around for the best price but it's not really expensive. It really works wonders for me. I think the application/water is key. A little bit goes a long way, so I just spray the entire lawn (and through the fence on to the neighbors lawn with the extra)
When all else fails, let your B. be your guide. Sounds like there's a GREAT sniffer involved. Perhaps a bomb detection dog is in your future!?!?:D