Greetings from Russia
wrote on 3 Sept 2009, 08:37 last edited by
If you like, you can introduce yourself by starting a thread for your own.. :)
You can go to "Member introduction" and click on "new thread".Okey. I'm philologuist I know 4 langueges, including russian, I have russian girlfriend, I've got basenji..only one and very old. That's why i'm here in th theme of russian Owner from Voronez.))))
wrote on 4 Sept 2009, 11:35 last edited by
Alex, do you have any website? Your dogs are very cute and you have a talant in dog dressing. I think you have a lot of photos.
wrote on 4 Sept 2009, 18:56 last edited by
why do you sale your dogs? -
wrote on 6 Sept 2009, 15:36 last edited by
Sell dogs forced circumstances. It is a pity, but life dictates its own rules …
wrote on 7 Nov 2009, 20:22 last edited by
Gorgeous pictures, She is beautiful..
wrote on 7 Nov 2009, 22:19 last edited by
She is very pretty and both of the ball pictures are great love them. Thank you for sharing.
Rita Jean
wrote on 7 Nov 2009, 23:00 last edited by
Ochin kraceevlie sobaki! Sorry! No Russian or Cyrillic translator for me. That's the best I can do with an English keyboard! Welcome!
wrote on 7 Nov 2009, 23:49 last edited by
Alex, do you have any website? Your dogs are very cute and you have a talant in dog dressing. I think you have a lot of photos.
Above the site while working. I have a lot of photos. I lived Pharaoh Dog Flower Of Sun Reedly Road Bahar home just Tay , She was 7 months.
She, like the Basenji - an ancient African breed.
wrote on 9 Nov 2009, 21:55 last edited by
Beautiful Dog
wrote on 9 Nov 2009, 22:19 last edited by
She is a very pretty dog and what grace going over the wall. I love her looks.
Rita Jean
wrote on 10 Nov 2009, 15:46 last edited by
Thanks for the compliment! I am very happy to please you with beautiful photographs.
I apologize for my English. -
wrote on 10 Nov 2009, 15:50 last edited by
Your English is good. It's a very hard language to learn. You're doing well.:)
wrote on 11 Nov 2009, 05:25 last edited by
WOW! What AWESOME photos!
wrote on 11 Nov 2009, 10:17 last edited by
wrote on 1 Dec 2009, 10:55 last edited by
wrote on 1 Dec 2009, 11:59 last edited by
Nice pic! She's dancing!!
wrote on 1 Dec 2009, 13:40 last edited by
Great Photos!
wrote on 2 Dec 2009, 22:06 last edited by