I do agree that basenjis and be spiteful, and hold a grudge too: (if you don't apologize to them) Hey, this is my first ever post: sorry if im in the wrong "chat room" or whatever; but when is the correct time to nueter a male? We have Leo, and he just turned 6 mos. I have heard the, "after he lifts his leg" theory. Our vet says that the earlier the better (after 6 mos) because the dog recovers better: any thoghts anyone?
I do not believe that Basenjis (or any other breed for that matter) hold a grudge or can be spiteful… those are human emotions and many times we humans try to put them off on our pets... simple not true. Dogs will do bad behaviors because it get the humans attention.. and usually means they are not getting enough attention in a positive way....
You could be waiting a long time for the "leg lift"..ggg Some dogs never do it... especially outdoors around the home. Between 6 and 9 months is a good time to neuter, I have always had my puppy people neuter at 6 to 7 months... But I have had Basenjis neutered at as old as 10 yrs with no recovery problems, depends on their general health in general. But no reason that you should not do it earlier as opposed then later. What does your breeder recommend?