In one of my previous apartments I used to frequent a particular, locally owned, quickie-type market. Occasionally, I would bring my dog. They had no problem with me bringing him into the store while I carried him. In fact, he became a bit of a celebrity because the clerks would point us out when we came in, saying "that's the dog I was telling you about, a basenji" to other customers. I had the experience of a bit of teaching about the breed. many were appreciative, some were just jerks because "they were 'real men' and they had to have a "real" dog" UUGGHH! So what's a "real dog'? Made me angry but it was a 'quickie-mart' - how angry could I get?
A very smart dog indeed
A dog owner has taught her dog to recognize several words and obey the comands. I hope this link comes through! He looks so serious.
Pretty cool. Although I doubt it's actually reading rather than understanding the look/shape of the words.
The most impressive thing I have ever seen a dog do is this (at 1:30):
wow, just wow.
Both of those clips were so much fun to watch, thanks y'all for posting..
There should be a "video" section in these forums. Were we can post fun vids of dogs etc we find on the net…
Or is there, and I can't find it?