Not eating or drinking water
Bless his heart. I will keep the two of in my thoughts today…I hope he is Ok and that he makes a quick come back.
Bloodwork will show how his organs are doing which can also give the vet an idea where to look with the ultrasound. X-rays are not very good at seeing soft things that dogs may have eaten and are causing blockages without the barium.
Good luck at the vet today, keep us posted.
Update on Cody. Took him to the vet yesterday afternoon. After an ultrasound and a battery of test. My vet confirmed no blockages and the blood work came back normal. All his is organs are functioning. She (vet) believes he ate something rotten (food, animal?) and has gastroenteritis. Which as my vet said is basically doggie food poisoning. Her main concern that he wouldn't stop vomiting. So she gave him a shot of Pepcid, and a powerful anit-nausea shot. I came home with powerful antibodics, pro-boticis(same stuff as in activia yogert) more anti nausea meds, a case of can dog food formulated for dogs that have gastroenteritis, and instructions to buy Pepcid AC to give him.
He did eat about teaspoon of the can food this morning. Vet says to go very slow b/c he hasn't had food in his stomach for so long we don't want to shock his system. My husband is home most of the day today so he will feeding him very small portions throughout the day.
Now to figure out how to pay the hefty credit card bill for all the vet/meds etc. :)
I am glad you had all this test done to rule out something more severe, having Gastrenteritis is bad enough. Hopefully Cody will be on the mend sooner than you can say yeah..
My Otis has some diarrhea awhile back and it kept having it for over a week and half He ended up losing almost 2 lbs in three days…..finally after $$ of tests he was diagnosed with the same thing sort of. Antibiotics, probiotics and a wormer (why?) made him much better within 24 hours and almost back to normal in 48.
Keep us updated, and know that y'all are in our thoughts. It is tough to see you pet ill and not know how to make it better.. -
Again thanks to all for your support and suggestions. I really appreciated being able to post and reading your responses.
I'm glad it was nothing extremely serious. At least this is something that you can treat and his immune system will fight it off. I know the cost can always be frustrating, but for some reason we don't seem to blink when paying the bill. At least I don't, you know it's necessary.
Hope Cody is feeling much better soon, poor boy.
Ok, still having problems. Cody is still not eating. after getting anti-nausea medication, antibodics and I just started him on Pepcid today. He is still throwing up yellow bile. He is drinking water. I have tried everything. The food the vet sold me (can food) cheese, yogert, peanut butter. Any ideas. He won't even lick food. I have already decided if he's not eating by monday he's going back to the vet. Does anyone else have ideas for food to try to entice him. He basically has a bad case of food poison.
Poor Cody. I can not believe he is still not eating..
Have you tried any soup? My dogs love broth and soupy stuff in general, and chicken noodle soup in particular..I know it is high sodium but just to entice him, why not? Hot dogs, lunch meat…I'd try anything I have in my fridge/pantry. At this point I would be desperate. How long has it been since he ate last? With no food in their stomachs quite a few B's vomite bile/yellow foamy stuff..they don't handle an empty stomach very well.. -
Our vet had us give Jaycee Mylanta 1/2 teaspoon every 4 to 6 hours when she got sick. I would boil some chicken in chicken broth. Tear up only chicken no skin into little little bites. See if little one will look at that also whats good is baby diet for when they are throwing up or other end. Rice,Dry Toast,Bananas. I would use baby food Bananas maybe just maybe Cody will lick those up. Good luck let us know.
Rita Jean
Thanks for the suggestions. Normally cody loves bananas, so I will see if I can get some baby food bananas. My vet told me in no uncertain terms NO HOT DOGS. I have boneless skinless chicken breast I can cook in broth and make bite size. I also have some cream of chicken soup that I can thin out.
I know when I was a child my mother just to give our Westie, white rice and plain boiled white fish(any type, but she used cod), it is very easy to digest. So I am with Tanza on the plain chicken and rice as well as any type of babyfood. I know hot dog is very greasy and not good at all for dogs, BUT if he hadn't eaten and just needs an "appiteaser" it might work. I feel for you and Cody.
Ok, I boiled a boneless chicken breast in chicken broth. shredded the chicken fine and poured the broth over it. He drank some broth but didn't eat the chicken. Got him to go out and urinate and he came back in a drank some water. Kept the chicken/broth mixture and will try again tomorrow. I will also go out and get baby food tomorrow and try that. He seems to try everything once and then not try it again.
I am glad to hear that at least he drank some broth. let us know how he is doing this moring. I am keeping my fingers crossed that eats some this morning
Sorry to hear Cody is still not well, its good that he drank some of the broth and kept it down. I was going to suggest you dab some of the food onto his paw so he would clean it off and maybe get his appetite going.
When Benji was ill and wouldnt eat we had to do all sorts, it is so difficult and you feel helpless. -
Well I got desperate this morning and I took the shredded chicken I cooked last night and started force feeding it to Cody. I would take little pieces and pry open his mouth and force it down. Only very small pieces and a little at a time. I have been feeding him every hour to hour 1/2. The food is staying down which is a good sign. I am getting ready to leave the house to run errands. I will pick up the baby food etc. My husband is on board with force feeding if we have to get the food in him to settle his stomach.
I 'm sorry to hear that you have had to force feed him, but if he is keeping it down great. I will keep my fingers crossed that he is taking well to the force feeding and that he is on the mend..