So, I guess I couldn't have seen you in my recent trip throught the city of flying pigs (for those unaware, there is one). Two hours of stop and go southbound, trying to get to the airport. I was in the backseat and looked at every truck on the off chance there might be an AJ sighting. Obviously, no luck, as you were a few time zones away 🙂 Had I seen AJ, I might have jumped out of the car I was in and jumped into your truck for a couple of miles…just to say 'Hi'...that's how slow going it was. My advise, for north or southbound, take the by-pass...but what do I know? There were plenty of trucks willing to wade through the traffic.
Ruby's Development
While im in video posting mode, here's my first Ruby "compilation" video i made last night. It shows her from 10 weeks of age when she came home, to now at 6 months of age. Its amazing how much she has changed!!
Great video Jess! The song was perfect. Ruby's a very beautiful bird indeed.
Excellent choice of music. She's grown so much. What a pretty girl…
She's like a fine wine thats got better with age, she's a beauty. Love her signature tune.
She is amazing.
Love the song!
I did some Googling because I wanted to find out more about these guys as pets, and found "Ruby's Guide to Drink Theft"
That was too funny! Love the outtakes.-Nicole
Great collage of pictures. She has grown so much..she is stunning.
The song rocks… -
Thank you!
Ruby's Guide to Drink Theft.. She's so naughty!!
Here it is for anyone else wanting to see:
Rubys guide to drink theft:
Step one: Checking out the orange stuff
Step two: We want it! Now to find out how to get at it!
Step three: Found the opening, now just check theres no one looking..
And Step four: away we go
Step Five: Re-arrange ourselves and try again:
Step Six: Bottoms up!
Oops… (The outtakes she didnt want you to see!!!)
Cant work out the foot holes!
Helping hand
Bailing out!
And some Randomness:
What a beautiful bird! Love the flying pics.. very nice!