WANTED Pup, perfer female must have records
wrote on 15 Aug 2008, 21:21 last edited by
:) Hey folks I am new to the forum,I lost my bougles two years ago. I am now ready to take on raising another pup. Boug's was a red /white female, she was lightning fast as was able to keep up with the horses. I miss her alot and would like to have a pup again. She does'nt need to be show quality just healthy and fall in the guidlines for the breed, I live in the city now and have the space,time, love and ATTENtION this breed needs. Color of any kind is o.k. The need for a quality pup is TOP priority. Thank you for your time here at this wonderful forum. I am new to computers and did not think a sight like this was available. I feel I will get the PUP I am looking for here. ThankYou TIM and REBECCA.;)
wrote on 15 Aug 2008, 21:24 last edited by
Have you checked out the BCOA site for breeders/rescue in your area?
That is a good place to start.
What happened to your first b? -
wrote on 22 Sept 2008, 15:45 last edited by
Good news, we are getting a BRAT rescue,his name is BALLOO he is the fetured "B" at the BRAT web site.We are thrilled and cant wait. Thanx goes to the dedicated group of people at BRAT for all their time and patience.A special thanx to Carroll who come a long way to do a a house check.She does not have "B"s but as a favor did the visit.Carroll is a Borizi breeder from the Traverse City Michigan area.A H-U-G-E Thank you to all involved.Tim and Rebecca Prodan
wrote on 22 Sept 2008, 18:25 last edited by
And thank you for rescuing a 'senji in need.
I notice your first post asked for a "female with records". Isn't it funny how the B that finds you isn't necessarily the B you thought you wanted? Can't wait to see pix of Baloo at home :)
wrote on 22 Sept 2008, 18:27 last edited by
I am SOOO excited that you are giving Baloo a great home. He looks like such a sweet boy. Thank you so much for helping a senji in need. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures with this little cutie. :D
wrote on 22 Sept 2008, 20:19 last edited by
That is great… be sure to consider DNA testing for Fanconi, as BRAT doesn't do that test. You can learn about Fanconi and testing at www.basenjihealth.org
wrote on 22 Sept 2008, 20:38 last edited by
Congratulations Mitt!! When is your bundle of joy due to arrive?
wrote on 22 Sept 2008, 22:16 last edited by
That is great… be sure to consider DNA testing for Fanconi, as BRAT doesn't do that test. You can learn about Fanconi and testing at www.basenjihealth.org
The BRAT site says he is Fanconi negative… so I assume that means the test was done at some point on him. Or does is that a "negative" meaning the test was not done?
He is a lovely boy and sounds like he'll be a great addition to your Basenji-savvy home!
wrote on 22 Sept 2008, 22:36 last edited by
The BRAT site says he is Fanconi negative… so I assume that means the test was done at some point on him. Or does is that a "negative" meaning the test was not done?
He is a lovely boy and sounds like he'll be a great addition to your Basenji-savvy home!
All BRAT does is "strip testing" as in the monthly strip test. They do not do DNA testing on any BRAT dog being placed. So that just means he was negative on that day for strip testing.
wrote on 22 Sept 2008, 23:08 last edited by
Wonderful news! Please share photos with us when you get your new b.
Thanks for thinking rescue for your companion. -
wrote on 23 Sept 2008, 00:07 last edited by
Ahhh, got it. Thanks!
I really wish that BRAT would do DNA testing… I think it is important...for anyone that is considering a Basenji... and now with the cheek swabs, it is cheaper to do...
I know that one of the reasons that they say they don't is because of the cost, but you know, many of the people that give up their Basenjis, really are good people, just made a bad decision on a breed of dog or have a set of circumstance that for whatever reason need to give up the dog. I would venture to bet that if BRAT were to tell them, they have to "pony" up with the 65.00 for the test they would...
And I know the other reasons, however I totally disagree with those reasons.... I think that it is only fair to give full disclosure and prepare people about the health of their potential dogs...
wrote on 4 Oct 2008, 15:18 last edited by
Pat I posted at your website about a pup for Baloo. have any B's up for adoption?
wrote on 4 Oct 2008, 16:09 last edited by
Pat I posted at your website about a pup for Baloo. have any B's up for adoption?
I do not, I did respond that we have 6 reservations for pups at this time and since litter size is usually 4 to 6 pups, we are not taking any more reservations. However if when we do the ultrasound we find more…ggg.. I will let you know. Also gave you the link to the breeder directory for BCOA. You should try contacting some of the other breeders closer as unless you are willing to fly/drive to California, as we do not ship puppies.
wrote on 4 Oct 2008, 16:21 last edited by
tHANX FOR THE INFO. i WAS WANTING ANOTHER b DOWN THE ROAD FOR bALOO TO HAVE A PLAYMATE.i WAS LOOKING FOR ANOTHER DOWN THE ROAD IN 3-4 MONTHS TIME PERIOD. i FEEL THAT WILL GIVE bALOO THE TIME HE NEEDS TO ADJUST TO US AND US TO HIM.His flight was delayed yesterday so we are picking him up today.And that would only be if Baloo requires a playmate.I believe we can suply the stimulus for him but I want to be prepared incase we need a pal here in the house with him.
wrote on 4 Oct 2008, 16:43 last edited by
Hope that all goes well… and the Baloo is all you hope he will be.... can't wait to hear all about him.....
wrote on 19 Nov 2008, 23:46 last edited by
Mitt, how is Baloo doing?
wrote on 19 Nov 2008, 23:49 last edited by
Rescue only does the strip testing.
For your peace of mind, you need to do the fanconis testing.
We are very lucky to live in the time where it is open for us to use. -
wrote on 20 Nov 2008, 01:22 last edited by
Congrats! Can't wait to see pictures!!!:D
wrote on 20 Nov 2008, 04:28 last edited by
Baloo is doing fine, he loves the snow and ice and has a few "dog" buddies here in the neighborhood. He weighs in at 31#lbs. now. Baloo is becoming a great friend.Happy Thanksgiving everyone ! you can veiw Baloo's pics in the pic forum look under Mitt.