Hi guys, was wondering what the deal is with my 5 month old female's ears. The inside of her ears are a little 'rough' in texture and she seems to be breaking out a bit and they also seem a little dry. I'm assuming it's an allergic reaction to something (at least that's what it LOOKS like) and was thinking of putting a little Benadryl cream on them. Any ideas or thoughts? I've never seen this before on any of my other dogs….it doesn't look TERRIBLE but it's got me a little concerned. Any help would be appreciated!
Hi Tommy, My Basenji has that from time to time. Not inside, just on the ear flaps. Some people call it Winter Ears, but I'm not sure what the name of this problem is. Tried many things, but here's what worked for me. Thoroughly cleaned outside of her ears with ear cleaner from a pet store. Let dry, then used olive oil daily until it cleared up. Let me know if that works for you.