While a trip to the Vet is best, because sure as anything, the one time you don't think it is serious… it is...
However you might want to read through this thread
http://www.basenjiforums.com/showthread.php?t=2594 -
OH gosh I'm so sorry your little boy is ill :( Could it be something he ate?? Is he drinking water?? Have tried homemade food? Some smelly cheese??
Unfortunately it sounds like the vet may be your best bet to figure out what's wrong with him. It's hard to diagnose just from those symptoms alone.
Good luck & I hope the pooch is better soon.
Yes, he is drinking water and peeing. I have tried putting some penut butter in his kong which is usually a treat for him and he devours it and spends all his time with it until it's gone, but now he just sits there. When i play with him, he's still the same, but he just doesn't eat or poop. I am going to have to go to the store to get some food i can cook for him.
Yeah the only problem with the vet is that I'm broke to begin with and usually take him to the vet about every 6-8 weeks for something or another.
I just wen to get him rimady again the third week of Dec. and get him nuheart and started that the 15th of this month because I wanted to get him settled with his sprain and get him feeling better first. In september i had to go the vet for a checkup and some rimady the first time for his other leg he sprained again. I can't let him play with my parents mutt unattended outside anymore. although he LOVES it, him vs. a 65lb bernese mix is not the best idea when Medjai gets excited and runs around and then into the mutt.I really hope that Medjai gets better on his own, but will take him to the vet if necessary. Any ideas on other things i can try? I'm going to give him boiled turkey and brown rice and see if he eats any.
Usually when a dog's appetite just suddenly disappears for no reason–it's not because the food isn't tempting enough--I don't think trying to entice him with other food is the answer.
And Rimadyl can and does cause a host of problems if used too much…. and especially on a young pup like you have....
If he is not eating then he has nothing to poop.... most important is that he drinks and that he doesn't vomit.... if he doesn't show improvement by tomorrow, I would certainly be off to the Vet...
And if he starts to vomit, you could have an emerency situation if he has a blockage....
Yeah, he has been off the rimadyl for about 3 weeks now. I did get him to eat something. I made about 3/4 C brown rice and grilled ground turkey and he ate it all quickly, he just wont eat the rest of his dry food. He has not vomited and after he stopped eating has only let out almost solid liquid from his rear end, but now that he is eating, I feel a lot better.
The same thing happened to one of my dogs when he was about one - we never got to the vet because he improved, and I don't want to discourage you from going to the vet, but Willie won't eat if he has an upset stomach - if your dog has diaharrea (sp?) he probably has an upset stomach. It's never happened to Willie again as bad, but anytime his digestion is off, his eating goes off.
Good luck, and glad to hear he ate a little.
Yeah, he has been off the rimadyl for about 3 weeks now. I did get him to eat something. I made about 3/4 C brown rice and grilled ground turkey and he ate it all quickly, he just wont eat the rest of his dry food. He has not vomited and after he stopped eating has only let out almost solid liquid from his rear end, but now that he is eating, I feel a lot better.
Liquid out the rear always worries me–that is heavy duty diahhrea. It could be that he has an intenstinal bug that he needs antibiotics for. You should also keep an eye out for dehydration.
Yay, there doesn't seem to be a need for the vet. Today was good and tomorrow will be better. Medjai started the day with a tiny bit of brown rice and the turkey bits picked out of the rice. Then he had some just plain beef also cooked plain and then later yet ate some of his kibble. He also had a only really soft poop. I never thought it would be so good to see him poop. He should be just fine, although I still have no idea what was wrong.