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Required Testing Before Breeding

Breeder Talk
  • @WBL:

    I say more required because a responsible person will see it that way. Also I am learning so that's why I'm asking :) Tiggy is still way to young to breed, I just want to know more now and have a better knowledge and understanding for if and when that times comes.

    So through reading other posts I have gathered the a dogs Hips and Patella's (OFA), Thyroid, and Eyes (CERF). Should all be tested and come back clear, and that the hips cannot be tested until the age of two.

    Is there any other testing that should be done, and what age are the eyes and thyroid tested (I can't seem to find info on that)? I have not forgotten about Fanconi, and Tiggy has had his DNA test (carrier).

    Final question, have I missed anything to ask, lol?

    Eyes are important. I always had my puppies done between 8 and 10 wks to get a base line and if there were any early problems like Coloboma. Then I would CERF them at least at age two, if no problems then at least every two years. If breeding certainly that year for sure. Thyroid you can do at least by the time they are a year…

  • @tanza:

    Eyes are important. I always had my puppies done between 8 and 10 wks to get a base line and if there were any early problems like Coloboma. Then I would CERF them at least at age two, if no problems then at least every two years. If breeding certainly that year for sure. Thyroid you can do at least by the time they are a year…

    And it is really critical CRITICAL to go to a veterinary opthamlogist who is experienced and practiced at looking a Basenji eyes. So many are quick to misinterpret what seems to be common place in Basenjis. You can get a doc saying 'this dog is blind' …then when you take the same dog to a more experienced vet, you get 'this dog has perfect eyes'.

    Hopefully this is something that the BCOA Health committee will be discussing soon, and have some suggestions to alleviate paying for multiple tests with wildly different diagnosis.

  • Thank you Andrea and Pat!!! By the time he is old enough to be breed I will be living back in the states so those sort of things will be easier for me to find, lol, it can be difficult here at times with the language difference.

    As for the eyes I'm guessing that they are also made up differently than most dogs??

  • @WBL:

    Thank you Andrea and Pat!!! By the time he is old enough to be breed I will be living back in the states so those sort of things will be easier for me to find, lol, it can be difficult here at times with the language difference.

    As for the eyes I'm guessing that they are also made up differently than most dogs??

    Yes, that is the theory. No one is really too sure right now…but it seems that things that may scream "problem" in "normal" dogs, may not mean the same thing in Basenji eyes.....why be normal? ;)

  • And with any luck maybe we will have a DNA test for PRA

  • LOL, I have learned that many things are different in basenjis than other dogs. I didn't know that males tend to have one testicle that will "hide" until they are 6-7 months. This had me worried at first with Tiggy, but just over the past few days it has started to "present" itself. My vet here didn't know that, I found out by his sire's owner and then my vet in the states is familiar with Basenji's and she said the same thing.

    So the list goes on, testicles are positioned different and they can hide, eyes are different, vocal cords, anything else, lol?

  • @WBL:

    LOL, I have learned that many things are different in basenjis than other dogs. I didn't know that males tend to have one testicle that will "hide" until they are 6-7 months. This had me worried at first with Tiggy, but just over the past few days it has started to "present" itself. My vet here didn't know that, I found out by his sire's owner and then my vet in the states is familiar with Basenji's and she said the same thing.

    So the list goes on, testicles are positioned different and they can hide, eyes are different, vocal cords, anything else, lol?

    Yes in B's the testicles are carried one in front of the other… and they can "still" suck one up... especially if frighten by something or like at a show if the "judges" hands are cold...:eek:

  • @tanza:

    Yes in B's the testicles are carried one in front of the other… and they can "still" suck one up... especially if frighten by something or like at a show if the "judges" hands are cold...:eek:

    LMAO, now that is kinda funny. Luckly Tiggy has gotten used to being handled, lol, down there because everyone suggested massaging to help it along

  • Just as an FYI, if you are having other things done, ou can always have hips done BEFORE they are two years old… the only difference is that you cannot get an OFA certification for it.. but you do get a Pre-Lim Report and it will state whether the dog is Excellent, Good, Fair, or a non-passing grade.

    Many people (this includes many long-time breeders) breed and have no issues telling puppy people that the dog is too young for hips on their testing blurb. Sure, I'd say 6 months is too young, but if hte dog you are using is above 8 months old, then is SHOULD be at least Pre-Limmed on hips. There are NO excuses not to do it.

    I think that Pre-Lims are now posted on OFA... I did some from 2001-2005 and those weren't posted online (can't recall the reasoning then).

  • Kathy, do you traditionally do a formal OFA later on then, or do you just use the pre-lim as your test?

  • While that is correct that OFA is available for prelim and anyone using a young dog that is not old enough for hips other then prelim should certainly at least have that done… my question would be, is it really necessary to use a dog before he is 2?

  • @tanza:

    While that is correct that OFA is available for prelim and anyone using a young dog that is not old enough for hips other then prelim should certainly at least have that done… my question would be, is it really necessary to use a dog before he is 2?

    I don't think it is really necessary …but sometimes people have their reasons...and it is nice that there is an option rather than just waiting to see.

  • The other option for hips before the age of 2 years is PennHip which does certifications at a younger age than OFA.

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    Breeder Talk
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    @sinbaje: The one that comes to mind - to the best of my knowledge - should not have had anything to do with the reliability of the results (it was done in 2009 - 2 years after the start of public testing in 2007 when most kinks should have long been worked out). Of course being 2 years after public testing began, I can not think of any legitimate reason for the need for research nor the need to keep it private, but then I am oftentimes guilty of giving too much information vs not enough. ;) I'll see if I can find the reference I am thinking of and if so, will ask - assuming I did not already. Will have to look. Hi Linda - Not sure exactly what kind of situation you're talking about - so will give a general summary. Fanconi research is continuing and we are still using research samples, and gather new samples. Work is primarily to develop a direct test (the current test is a linkage marker test for multiple markers) but also to keep an eye on performance and accuracy of the current test. So getting new research samples in 2009, 2010, and 2011 is expected and needed. Research uses validated dogs that are anomalous and verified affected dogs, usually using new testing technologies. Goal is to develop a direct test and, in the interim, if needed, to improve the existing test. OFA is not funding the research and is not doing the research testing, so they can't tell you anything. OFA handles payment, reporting, and publication of results for the production test. Samples ordered for research are handled separately from OFA samples and are not paid for. They are often blood samples, in some cases fresh blood only, but not always. If you pay OFA to have your dog tested and sign a release form, his results will go into OFA's open database. If a research sample is tested, it will not. For research samples, most I know of were either for known affecteds, to be used to refine the test, or retests to verify a test was of the right dog, or tests of a cluster of relatives to verify parentage where a parent is deceased and DNA is not on file. I can't offhand think of cases where the production test would be done for research for anything except retesting a dog with an anomalous result. In that case, if the result was different, it would be corrected; if not, nothing would happen on the OFA side. For Fanconi, in general, at this point, if Gary is testing a sample or samples for research, he is either using testing methodologies that are not in production (mostly working on getting a direct test) such as whole genome mapping or improved SNP chips, or he is verifying parentage, or he is retesting an anomalous sample to make sure the right dog was tested. A fair bit of that is in the Health Committee report which is on the front page of, click on annual meeting powerpoint and scroll down to the HC part. I don't know if this answers your questions or not because I don't really have enough info to figure out the specific situation. I can pretty much tell you, if it's a research sample, OFA probably knows absolutely nothing about it. They are not part of the research process right now for Fanconi. They are in the pay/test/report process for the validated Fanconi test already in production. FYI, the Health Committee email list is open to any BCOA member and you can ask questions there at any time. Lisa
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