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Where do I begin… (HELP!)

Behavioral Issues
  • Also- be consistent with your words. Try always using "potty" when going outside (or business or whatever). Practice calling his name. If he even LOOKS in your direction, give him praise. Does he let you touch him? Is he snuggly? Post some pics already!! :)

  • Okay, finally had a moment to update the post. I left out one crucial detail: Hunter is six years old.

    jys1011: I feel we're getting to know each other pretty well. I spend a great deal of time with him and we're doing three a day walks(grueling at times). I'm not sure we've reached the "trust level" yet, but he responds positively to me, and he's showing a lot more character than when he first came home. It's been a short amount of time, but I feel there's progress. I also picked up some great treats that he loves, but so far it's hard for him to get used to the concept of treats as a reward. In terms of aggressiveness, he's not a biter, although he did take a good nip at me when I ran him off leash at an empty dog park. He has problems with male dogs and will show his teeth and make one of his noises. Hair raises on the back, I know it's a bad situation. He can be around other dogs, but needs his space. Also, I think people might have had the wrong impression when I said "assertions of dominance". I've watched a ton of Cesar Milan and tried some of the techniques he uses. Needless to say, I'm not pack leader yet.

    Vanessa626: A gate might help, especially in defining space within the house, IE my room, his bed, etc. He's adopted a spot in each room and will go out of his way to keep it (sitting on laps, etc). I really love the breed, I had a Shep/Lab mix when I was young but mom always had cats around. I grew to like their temperament but was still a dog guy. Hunter is the perfect mix of the two.

    nomrbddgs: He immediately runs from the kennel. He actually refuses to enter the room it's kept in. The time I tried to lead him near it on leash, he did a 180 and lunged so hard he was suspending himself on his hind legs. That's when we stopped with the kennel. I'm going to try to feed him there and use treats as positive reinforcement, but if he has something traumatic related to kennels I'd rather get a gate. The Cesar tips I tried were simple things like walking ahead when we were out (apparently this doesn't happen), walking out the door first, etc. He immediately runs ahead. When we're outdoors, he forgets he has a name.

    Barklessdog: See, I thought I was winning him over when he started sleeping in the bed. He has a terrible habit of trying to sleep in between legs or cuddling up behind them. The crate training has been a nightmare as detailed above. I understand how feeding him last works with other dogs around, but I'm lost otherwise.

    BDawg1005: Great post, thank you. After I get done with this, it's on to more crate work. I appreciate that they're smart dogs, and that nothing comes fast, so we'll continue to work together. He'll let me pet him, and scratch his belly, but he doesn't get excited. It's like he's Mr. Cool and of course I'd want to pet him, I should be so lucky! I love that about him. He pretends to be a lazy bum most of the day, sneaking off to find the occasional pen to destroy. The problem is that I spend time working on the computer in my room while he's in the living room unattended when the roommate isn't around. I need to find a solution to that. He's a big snuggler in bed and occasionally when we watch T.V. I'll make sure to get some pics up later today or tomorrow.

    Quercus: I've been in regular contact with the coordinator of our local Basenji rescue (she's quite familiar with Hunter) and have e-mailed contact with several members of the local Basenji organization. Before we knew about his chip, I was trying to contact anyone who might know his owner. Honestly, I didn't want to admit to them I was having such a hard time… although, they probably know anyway! :) I'd love to get a trainer, but with all the costs (crate, food, leash, testing strips, vet fees) and then possibly getting a gate and a different leash, it's just going to have to wait.

    Thanks everyone for the advice. I'll put up some pictures soon!


  • I'm sure rescue would help you for free. They want these dogs in good homes.

    As far as getting along with other strange dogs- I would avoid it. Basenji's can be same sex aggressive. I would not even let him near another male. Also dog parks are a bad idea in my opinion. You never know what's going to happen. A basenji can vew a small pick a poo or whatever as a meal.

    Is he neutered?

    Don't force him in a crate, but get him to go in for a treat. Find a treat he can't resist like boiled chicken (no fried or spiced/processed foods). Do everything slowly and ownly for a short time (short attention span)

    Also with treats and other new foods, introduce them very gradually or they can get really sick (found out the hard way, diarhea everywhere!)

    Remember only positive training!

  • <>
    So he is microchipped? Somehow I missed that part of the story. Why is the Rescue coordinator familiar with Hunter?
    I would beg you to use a different type of training than that of Cesar Milan. There are at least two major schools of thought on dog training. The kind that works with basenjis is not the kind that Cesar uses, IMO. If you want to use a well known 'celebrity' trainer who wrote a great book, try Tamar Gellar.
    And FTR, trainers and training classes do not have to be ridiculously expensive. And, also, IMO are more important FOR the dog than most of the stuff that we buy for our dogs. All the stuff that you buy for a dog won't mean much if you can't keep him because of behavioral problems.

  • try Tamar Gellar

    Is she the dog phycho theripist from the Animal Planet show "who Get's The Dog"?

    I agree that most typical dog training does not work on Basenji's because they are based a lot on NEGITIVE responses to Negitive behavior. With Basenji's, they will do anything for the right treat., but with negitive/punishment training you will end up will a very untrusting mean/aggressive dog.

  • Here is a webpage with some step by step suggestions for crate training.

    You may have to start with only the bottom half of the crate at first if he really has a strong aversion to it.

    I also agree with Andrea that finding a good positive reinforcement trainer will probably be the best investment you can make for yourself and Hunter. Not only will it give you tools to help you communicate effectively with Hunter but it will also give you another resource to help you when you experience a problem. Classes are great for relationship building which is really critical when you get a new dog of any age.

  • Congratulations on your new basenji Hunter.

    6years is a great age! My Caesar is 6 years and is a read joy to be around.

    Dog training wether that is you at home, or taking a class is a real must with basenjis.

    I would suggest giving Hunter some free time at home adjusting to your routine first before starting any intensive training. The behaviors you see now are learned from his past. Can't fault him for that, just show him some alternative ideas.

    Chew bones like Nylabones, or a bone filled with peanut butter will be a great way to keep him focused on what you want him to chew.

    You will need to dog proof your house as if you had a toddler.

    Many of us love the Babys R Us "The first Years" baby gate. Regualr doggie gates are easy for basenjis to climb or jump. This gate runs about $50 and is worth it.

    Keep Hunter and you on a schedule. Teach him your routine. Get him used to the idea of potty before bedtime. bedtime at the same time, waking at the same time, eating and walks at the same time.

    if you are feeling that it is too much work and you dont have enough time, then a basic obedience class might really help. it will be a controlled class with other dogs teaching socialization with other animals and people as well as improving your communication with hunter.

    if he is not fixed it may cause difficulties with socialization.

    keep your hopes up. it wont always be like this and you have the caring gene to work with him. just understand that it is frustrating for everyone that has this breed. there are things to work on and you are capable. hunter is lucky to have you and you are lucky to have him when you catch those special moments of cuddling, petting and those eyes.

  • House training-

    You decide when he goes potty, first thing in the morning and after each meal and before bed. Take him on long walks and praise him when he does things right.

    A tired Basenji is a good basenji- Lots of walks & positive training/play. When your gone he should just sleep.
    A bored basenji is a destructive bad behaved one.

  • <_>

    Good point, Mantis. I would add, simply keep him from doing the naughty behaviors…supervise ALL the time. And when you can supervise, put him in an Xpen, or tether his leash to your belt loop.

    The very best way to keep a Basenji from being naughty is to protect them from themselves ;)_

  • The deal with the microchip is this: He is chipped, and the vet gave us the owners info to try to contact them. Their address isn't current, none of their numbers are connected, and I don't have names. All I found out is that his shots were current, he's six and that his name was Smokey. He doesn't respond to Smokey at all, I tried. Went with Hunter because he responded to it, now he knows that's his name. Anyway, when I talked to my friend at the rescue she recognized him by the name Smokey. She had also been to their prior address. She insinuated that the owners were negligent and said everything short of him being better off with us. We put up posters regardless, because who knows, someone else could have taken him in before I did. Still haven't heard anything, so he's my boy now. Oh, he is neutered.

    Minor success story to relate. Worked on the positive reinforcement today on a walk, with firm a firm "No" when he pulled excessively and treats when he listened and a "Good boy, Hunter!". At first we spent 10 minutes on our block. Every "No" provided him an opportunity to smell anything within the radius. I would then walk the other direction to show him that I was leading and setting the pace. Eventually he ran out of things to smell and got bored, then treats, and after about a half hour, he was really getting it. Still pulling a little, but he was looking up at me like I was the one showing him where to go. Or maybe he was just getting impatient and wondering "What on Earth are you doing?". Either way, for the first time, we were walking together.

    I'm going to call later today and ask Peggy for her recommendations on local trainers that might be inexpensive. I know they aren't massively expensive, but I'm only 24 and just simply don't have a lot of disposable income at the moment.

    House training hasn't been much of an issue, I think the reduction of stress has helped a lot, as well as developing our routine.

    With the dog park, I only go if it's empty, and he's only been off leash once. He teared around the perimeter, but when I started running with him he took a chomp at my arm. Didn't enjoy that.

  • They are a lot of work/learning/training but well worth the rewards.

    My female dog only comes to the other dogs name. She NEVER comes to her name, unless I have a treat- no reason to, in her eyes.

    Hunter is great name. We almost named our male that. Nice choice!

  • I have to say as I read all the comments I feel that you have come to the right place and you are coming along. It also appears that Hunter has been very fortunant to have found you and you him since it's been 6 months that I rescued our B and let me just say it gets better with time, patients, exercise, all the above recommendations. I do want to point out that though Hunter seems to come from a rough past just the fact that he is comfortable to snuggle with you in bed or on the sofa shows that he is open to the love you are giving him. Good luck on this jorney and congratulations both to you and hunter. It dosen't happen overnight but it seems you are doing great. Keep up the good work and visit all the other threads, take it from me, this forum will make your life with your Basenji a whole lot easier.

  • That's the hard part, is that he knows when you say his name, and his ears perk up. He'll only come to it if we're going outside… because he knows he has to come in order to go out. Once we're on the walk he's clueless. It's good to know I don't have to feel frustrated or like a bad owner because of some of these breed traits.

    Thanks for your kind words, luzmery. Everyone has been really helpful, especially when it comes to reinforcement. I'm used to dogs that have different personalities, but I've come to prefer Hunters' and can see myself as a lifelong Basenji owner.

  • @MileHighGuy:

    Once we're on the walk he's clueless. .

    welcome Mile High Guy. Thanks for taking in this little boy. He is definately keeping you on your toes, but that's part of the reason we love these dogs so much. as far as your comment above, they are never "clueless" he just wants you to think he is :)

  • Petsmart has a basic obedience class for $99 and it is 8weeks. You pick the day (options listed at the store) and time that fits your schedule best and stick to that date for the 8 weeks. If you have anyone else living with you they should try to go as well.

    I found hot dogs to be the best immediate attention treat for training in the class or trying to train while walking.

  • It sounds to me, at least at first with this boy, one on one with a trainer needs to happen… one so that the trainer can evaluate him and really understand the problems...

    And yes, it sounds like he has had a rough time of it... and it seems totally obvious to me that because of that there are going to be many behaviors that are not acceptable and will take time and patience to correct.

    Oh and by the way... all Basenjis have "selective" hearing... gggg... so don't feel bad if he doesn't seem to know his name...

  • yeah, I can guarantee that if you said his name and gave him peanut butter he would react differently to his name! LOL

  • See the nick name thread-

    he will aquire many names spoken in many tongues!

  • <

  • After rescuing my little guy, I noticed a complete change in him… just as you've described with yours. At first all he wanted to do was sleep. Then he realized life was suddenly not as hard as it used to be... and he could start enjoying it again. That's when my adult male turned into a puppy! lol... I'm sure you can relate!! It just takes time and repetition. Classical conditioning to the rescue!!

    Definitely wouldn't try socializing him until you two are good with each other. My male is aggressive toward every other male dog, basenji or not. He's neutered. It's just sometimes that way. Basenji's are real tough guys- even the little girls. ;) My little Lexi would take our Dobie any day. She always ate first and was alpha.

    Still waiting for those pics... ;)

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    Behavioral Issues
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