Dog Charm
What the heck is a Ben Senji? :D :eek:
hello it's a bensenji….not a basenji did u see that picture it looks more like a a good replica of these beautiful babies
I'm sorry, I think it's awful IMO.
I don't know??? It's the first Bensenji charm I've ever seen…....maybe there's better out there.........:D :D :D :D :D :D
it looks a little like a calf?
Yes the rest of the body seems on poit but what is up with the face it looks a bit distorted
just me, but i definatly wouldnt pay 30 dollars for that! lol
i bought my wife a nice basenji charm several years ago. It was pretty nice. I had to order it as most dog places/stores/gifts (unless at a dog show) do not carry basenji stuff.