I own five basenjis. Two yodel until you have a headache and my female barks. She always did. Short clipped barks. I also researched the breed before getting my first and she is an excellent dog. My third basenji was a handful. Three years later and he has stopped his destructiveness etc. It was a hard three years. Lol. You never know with a basenji. Greatest breed. Loyal, active, funny but some require ALOT of patience.
Hello from Ohio!!!!
Hello all! My husband and I are new basenji owners. We got Dane about 2 months ago. He instantly became our joy. About the same time we got Dane our neighbors got a black lab puppy. Dane loved playing with him. Then we noticed that everytime they played together when playtime was over Dane would go into a mini-depression. Sooooooo,,,to make a long story short,,,,,,we added our 7 month old Bella to the family. They are sooooo cute together and we cant imagine our lives without them! We are very excited to be new members of the B-community!!!:)
Where in OH are you? We are west of Toledo.
Welcome, we are in Columbus. Post pics.
Luvsmy2bs-did you get the little B/W one from BRAT? She was beautiful. I think she would have been a great addition to any family!!
Hello and welcome to the forum. Can't wait to see pics of your b's.
We are East of Cleveland. -
We are from around the Athens area. Ohio University. We will post pics soon–I have to have my son help me do it and at 17 he is more interested in his my space than helping mom post dog pics -- haha!
Congratulations on your new fur baby…enjoy...
Wow - 2! Congratulations and welcome. I'm sure you'll enjoy all this site has to offer.
CONGRATS on your new furbaby!!
I use to live in Granville, ohio, just east of columbus! (doesnt skybus rock by the way!!) lol!! WELCOME