Our basenjis are the best antidote to the kids not leaving anything out.
They don't pickup their stuff, the dogs will destroy it.
If they get something, I blame the kids not the dogs.
Aside from putting stuff under lock and key, is there a way to get the dogs to go after their own stuff and leave the other toys alone? I have no kids, but I do have stuffed animals that I collect. Most are in my closet or on shelves, but a couple are on my bed. My girl is in a crate at night, so I don't worry about that, but during the day is different. There's 2 stuffed animals that she always wants to go after. I put them on my bed, and pile all the blankets and pillows on them and shut the bedroom door. My Lucy has found out that if she runs at the door and hits it full force, it will open. Then she goes in there and goes straight for one of the 2 toys, digging through all that stuff and ignores everything else in there. Is there a way to keep her after her own stuff and not mine? She doesn't even go after other stuff that isn't hers, just these 2 certain stuffed animals. I can leave a bacon pizza on the floor in the bedroom, and she'll go after one of the toys first.
see and this is why im worried about poor baby Aiden's stuffed toys when hes born, Jacks going to DESTROY them if he gets the chance!!!
I forgot dental retainers, I guess all dogs love to chew them up!
see and this is why im worried about poor baby Aiden's stuffed toys when hes born, Jacks going to DESTROY them if he gets the chance!!!
Exactly.. that is why you have to buy two or three of everything, one for the baby… two for the Basenji.. and that is no promise that Aiden's will not become Jacks....:D
And add to the list "all" underwear and socks!!!! and glasses, which when my kids were young were a favorite
Here is the set up…Tim left Ariel in the family room while he worked outside...apparently, she found a bra, and chewed it. He told me, and I said, well, did you find all the pieces....uh, no...he didn't realize there was actually some gone...about a few square inches! Inclusing the part that has the U-shaped hooks on it!
So today we are on poop watch... I take her with me to a picnic with some family, so I can watch her for blockage, etc. So of course she starts to uh..produce, at the picnic....and I am cheering because I realize she is pooping out some nylon fabric. The family is excited and happy, because of course I told them the whole story. But the other folks picnicking around us were like 'wow are these folks wierd!' I stopped short of REALLY investigating the poo to see if the hooks were in there!
You would think I would have learned to put my stuff away!
see and this is why im worried about poor baby Aiden's stuffed toys when hes born, Jacks going to DESTROY them if he gets the chance!!!
Ethan has stuffed toys, but they must stay in his room. His door is kept closed…and as soon as it is open, a dog usually finds its way in there. We try to keep the stuffed toys up, in case they do get in his room.
We have taught all the dogs "leave it"; but honestly it is only reliable when we are there to stop them. Anything they find when we aren't watching is pretty much fair game.
When kids are grown up enough that they don't put the toys in their mouths you can douse them with bitter apple...