My female tricolor is a rescue. She's friendly, but will only let me and a couple of other people touch, pet, or pick her up. Well….we were out on our favorite trail which crosses a swollen stream (from winter run off). There is a plank which you can walk across. My girl usually likes to just run and jump the stream. She's not crazy about walking across the plank. So on this day the stream was too swollen for her to jump, so she was standing at the edge of the plank "thinking about it". Just as I saw my dog, I also saw a lady right next to her. Then I heard these fateful words..."WHAT A CUTE LITTLE DOG, LET ME HELP YOU ACROSS". Before I could yell NOOOOOO!!! it happened.
The only way I can describe it is...... it looked like someone picking up a furry chain saw from the buisness end! No skin was broken, but as we all know,cranky "b's" can pack a whollop. The lady was understanding, and lesson learned by me. Constant vigilance when letting your dogs run free.....Tim:D