Yeah, he loves to chew. Right now it's defluffing tennis balls and cracking them open that entertains him. And chewing on sticks. I do have a kong he loves. High quality treats like pigs ears and such wouldn't do well here as there would be fights over them by all the dogs here, even if I gave each one one, they always want that which another dog has. I do have a few nylabones but he isn't too interested in them at the moment.
Mani/pedi Day for Nala!
Just in case it doesn't show in the pictures, but Nala is sooooo relaxed while having her nails "done". My husband just picks her up with his scissors, styptic powder and nail file nearby and she just lays there as if saying, "AHHH, this is the life!"
LOL, that's cute
Now if only mine would behave like that! LUCKY YOU!
Mine really don't like their nails touched…and I play with their feet all the time! SHEESH
Now if only mine would behave like that! LUCKY YOU!
Ditto!! Nala is so great
You're so lucky to have such cooperation from Nala AND your husband. For me, this would be like winning the lottery!