Gibbs likes to explore the shower too..but ONLY if he knows he can exit upon choice. I have found him dancing around in the bathtub trying to rip up the suction cup plastic (need I say more?) bathmat many, many times. He also learned to flip the lever up and turn the water on to get a drink! I was worried about the hot water lever so I have taken to closing the bathroom door. He only gets entry to the bathroom if I am home and can keep an eye on him and what he is up to. If he does leave my side I KNOW I better check and see what his bad-boy-self is investigating….as for grooming: unless he is a muddy mess, no bath. He will allow it but looks insulted. The pet wipes will help sometimes but most of the year he does his own Basenji-self-cleaning-ritual. Gibby adores the glove brushing! He thinks that's pure Momma-love time and I just talk to him as he gets a brushing so he thinks of it as petting. The vet attends to his nails and on occasion if he is tired and sitting on my lap I can use an emery board to smooth them.. We are on our 10th toothbrush--it's not that he so strongly dislikes the teeth cleaning but he flippin' loves finding where I store the toothbrush for him (ugh). He really had some damaged teeth and I just try to clean them as best as I can. He allows you to use the finger-swab brushes easily as he thinks he's getting a treat. It's so funny how particular they can be..