Sorry for the image quality - iPhones didn't have very good cameras back in Tano's day. Here she is with my husband. It looks like they are planning a DnD campaign.
So sorry for your loss. I have several seniors in my house,the oldest just turned 16.
Everyday is a gift and I treasure them for as long as they are here.
Blessings to you.
So endearing....I lost Emma 1 yr. ago at 18, she had a wonderful life! Now it is just Rickie & I...he looks alot like your boy..he is now 10...time flys!
@elbrant Yes, she's good an patient sometimes, I've been taking pics of her from day 1 so she's used to it, I'm allowed a couple of mins and no more though.
Well then, case in point why the destruction calendar is a good idea - they see pictures of a destructive basenji and get scared off. I'm ok with that.
For that purpose, this is much better than a calendar full of cute little basenji puppies. I'd rather scare off a few. And I doubt many people outside of the "basenji family" will see this calendar.
Thanks for all the pics! Just keep 'em coming. Is brindle and saddle the same?
One of our breeders would be able to answer that more accuately than I.
It's like a flaw in the brindle coat itself…...I think???:confused: