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Hopeful Basenji Owner!

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  • @debradownsouth You're a gem, Debra. I've also said my dog knows basic commands, and knows them well. I've stated that we practice them daily. He's excellent when we are working with treats in the house, he stays, he sits, he lays, he rolls over, he goes to his crate on command, he spins, etc. But if he is given a command while he'd rather be doing something else, he chooses to ignore.
    Yes i said "pee and poop everywhere!" while describing my personal experience with my basenji over the last YEAR AND A HALF because potty training has been a struggle. It was meant to be a colorful (humorous) description, not a literal description of what my house looks like at this very moment lol. You cannot be that dense. You're just looking for a fight.
    A behaviorist has no qualms with a PUPPY that has broken skin. It is literally their job to assist with behavior problems, you don't hire a behaviorist for a well mannered dog. You do know there is a difference between a trainer (the one that would probably slap a muzzle on a dog, toss them in a crate, and recommend euthanasia for anything beyond general obedience training like you are doing) and a certified behaviorist right?
    Thanks, but I'll keep taking my advice from trained professionals, not crazy women on the internet that think they have all the answers based on a brief written description of experiences over an extended period of time. Which no professional, or even person with basic knowledge would ever do because that is not enough to go on. I didn't post here asking the all knowing Debra to enlighten me with her vast experience that tops all others! I shared a brief description of personal experiences, experiences that may not be the norm, But that others certainly have had with these dogs so they are important to keep in mind.
    Crying child abuse, and recommending a dog you've never met be killed is DRAMATIC and uncalled for.
    Keep it up... And i might sick my viscous killer dog on you!

  • @gigi said in Hopeful Basenji Owner!:

    @DebraDownSouth All I can say is WOW! Another cranky day? You seem to be a self-proclaimed expert on everything. I read back on old posts throughout this site – it looks like you have many of those cranky might wanna get some meds from a conventional doctor for that.

    There’s a thin line between being passionate about one’s belief’s and trying to intimidate or dominate (bully) others. You have a very disrespectful and antagonistic way of responding to people looking for help, which makes most people not pay much attention to what you have to say...which is mostly you're posting links anyway. Now, you'll tell your latest victim some lame excuse why you were rude and move on to your next prey. * Oh btw, this was said in fun!<<<<<<

    Last haven't learned much reading if you think I have ever pretended I was joking when I wrote a serious post. Hard to believe you read many of my posts and would even make such a comment. I am aware tone can be hard to read, so I noted my intent. When I am not joking , I'm pretty sure no one mistakes it for kidding.

    Second, CrazySenji is a respected responsible Basenji person. I thought it abit fun to spar over silliness since she has rarely posted anything I seriously disagreed with that I can recall. I am pretty sure she's not going to feel like a victim over any comment on any board.

    Third, your personally abusive post makes you just a wee bit of a hypocrite. It's okay..
    I may be snarky, but I you may want to watch your own behaviors. Telling someone they needs meds is a low insult to those who do require medications. Sort of like using " retard" as an insult, it says more about the person saying it than the person being insulted.

    As for quotes/links...I don't ask people to accept things because I believe them. I give links to research and experts etc. I very often back up what I say rather you accused me of, pretend to be an expert. l am sorry you have issues with my providing links. Isn't it fortunate that no one has to read them?

    For the rest, hopefully the form will restore the ignore button so you can never have to read my posts again. Because you nailed two things.

    First, having worked with rescue almost 40 years, I actually am very informed about some things...responsible breeding, training, the suffering of the poorly bred dogs sold to anyone who has the money, often bred with health/genetic disorders. I also can spot the people who talk a caring game but will throw it to the wind for expedience. I can also watch nice people try to gently walk on eggshells and know when they get shut down, nice isn't going to work.

    And you are right, I don't respect irresponsible breeders, and I don't respect people who know better and still take the fast route, or people who allow a dog to bite children. I don t respect irresponsible owners who don't take care of their dogs. That isn't likely to change. I don't, as you did, get into insults and low personal comments. But I see no reason to candy coat some thing.

    So no I'm not having a cranky day. It's been quite productive day. More so, I suppose, if I had skipped the forum.


  • @nodles91 said in Hopeful Basenji Owner!:

    But if he is given a command while he'd rather be doing something else, he chooses to ignore. <<<<<

    Heads up. That isn't trained.

    Yes i said "pee and poop everywhere!" while describing my personal experience ....You cannot be that dense. You're just looking for a fight. <<

    Dodging it unsuccessfully. You said pee poo every where, then said kept next to you. No fight, just pointing out you own wordd.

    .. You do know there is a difference between a trainer (the one that would probably slap a muzzle on a dog, toss them in a crate, and recommend euthanasia for anything beyond general obedience training like you are doing) and a certified behaviorist right? <<
    Wow, you might want to get out more and actually observe trainers. Many do behaviorism, and do it regularly.
    Behaviorist, trainer, veterinarian..any and all would advise you on safety precautions. And while I don't care enough to look up stats, given that behaviorists get some of the worst dogs, their recommendations to euthanize is probably high.

    Thing is, I can document my actual experiences, back up what i say and give you experts to call. You aren't interested in that came to post your experiences and are mad that the responses didn't get agreement.

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  • @debradownsouth You weren't interested in offering any of that stuff. You gave unsolicited "advice" If you can call it that. Followed by saying my children are abused and my 1 1/2 year old dog should be killed.
    You weren't being helpful. You set out to push buttons.
    I certainly wasn't looking for anyone to agree with me by sharing my personal experience to someone that had questions. There's nothing to agree or disagree with, its a personal experience. Saying my children are abused and my dog should die is crossing a line that should not need to be pointed out to you. It's basic human compassion. My kids love their dog, and I'm doing everything in my power to make this dog the best he can be. You can make any judgements you want based on bits and pieces You learn in just a few short posts about someone, but they're likely going to be wrong. And here's a tip for the future, You don't need to share them out loud.
    I love how you offer your "expertise" on training yet your solution was to throw him in a crate so he doesn't come near the table or kill him... Heads up, that's not trained ;)
    You claim to be in rescue, but so am i and not a single person i know in the rescue community would ever think death is the answer. That's why we rescue. Training, diligence, patience, and time are the answer. And when every resource has been exhausted you look for a home that's a better fit for the dog, or worst case you get them into a sanctuary for dogs with bite histories that cannot be adopted out. We're not there yet. And that's my decision, you don't get to have an opinion on it.
    I have 10 year old boys. They hurt themselves much worse than this dog has ever hurt them. And they don't want to give him up. We've fostered so they've gotten to know a lot of other dogs in their lives, and they are more bonded to this dog than they've ever been with any other. Our other resident dogs don't even compare.
    As Gigi stated, there is quite an obvious pattern of you trolling the forum with the intent of stirring the pot. If you think you are helpful, you are sorely mistaken. Though i highly doubt that is the case, i think you just enjoy the drama.

  • @nodles91 I am so so sorry. I didn't interpret your posts at all like what you've had to try and explain here, I don't think anyone did. What I got from your post was a person, who loves her dog, needing a place to vent. A place where she thought she would be safe to share and be understood because her dog was a handful. I am so so sorry you had to be more stressed out. I am not a member here for long and I've only posted a couple of other topics. I believe my dog is half Basenji and she is a real handful too, she's super high energy, nippy, and very head-strong. She's just 1 year old and seems to be getting better, but I've never had a dog like this and I've had many different breed dogs. I'm sure if you keep working with a behaviorist you'll get it figured out. Don't lose hope. I wanted to provide you a peaceful response before bedtime ;)

  • @gigi Aww thanks, Gigi! I hope so too! Have a good night!

  • @gigi said in Hopeful Basenji Owner!:

    @debradownsouth Well, it seemed that you like blunt honesty, so that's what you got. . . I’m not investing any more of my valuable time on this, I made my point – and I believe you got it.

    No dear, I got a personal abuse tirade having nothing to do with dogs or basenjis, just you demonstrating that you are hypocritical and carry far more nastiness than I do. ...but with far less honesty about it. Blunt is fine, just don't delude yourself into thinking making a personal tirade is about being blunt, lol. It's about being nasty and trying to justify it as anything more. I am glad you're done with me. Time wasted having nothing to do with dogs.

  • You can keep posting, but as I said at your last rant, your words about bloodied and bruised children is all I need to post.

    As for the rest. .. read slowly so you grasp it.
    There is training and there is applying protection for your children. One doesn't exclude the other. You might want to ask your behaviorist if that really is confusing to you and you're not just ranting trying to take attention off you bloodied and bruised children. A child's safety takes priority over anything. Since you keep touting that you have a behaviorist and work training daily..albeit with little success, I make no apologies for only giving safety information. It absolutely seems to be utterly lacking.

    As for saying to put down your dog, silly of you to leave out the part about if you really cannot stop the biting.

    I really envy the bubble you live in thinking rescues don't deal with the reality of euthanasia. Many private rescues have the luxury of only taking on adoptable pets, or ones they have foster homes willing to keep forever if necessary. Many so called no kill shelters do the same. For most rescues, even if they don't personally put animals down, they reject dogs that they know will be euthanized. In my real world, people in rescue are experienced and responsible enough to know every dog cannot be saved.

    Save your rants. I will never feel any regret for caring about the safety of dogs...or being appalled at your own repeated nonchalance about it.

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  • Lol thought you were done?

    Not worth responding to you spewing same stuff over and over. But so you don't look uninformed next time you accuse someone of slander..since his legal issues, her totally twisted lies about a respected researcher, etc are all provable in public may want to review the definition of slander.

    It's become obvious you are beyond obsessed, going thread to thread with personal attacks. Your initial "nice" facade was just a very angry person waiting for justification to spend all her time raving instead of contributing. Glad to be of assistance as you prove that you believe you personal attacks are okay...but my concerns about basenjis and safety (you do remember this is a basenji board, right? Not a personal crusade to tell someone you hate their posts over and over ad nauseam?) are out of line.

    But I'll be the adult. You can go on til you get it out of you system or tire of repetitive raving.

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  • I hit reply just as I did now...but well may have accidentally hit your post. Kindle far to small for me. Sorry you got so agitated.

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  • @gigi said in Hopeful Basenji Owner!:

    @debradownsouth I was done, but you won't shut up. ...
    Good luck to members in here, I'm off to my other pet forums to warn them about the link lunatic on the Basenji Forums. Now, I really am done.

    Yep, obsessed. Needs last word terribly.

    Btw, link lunatic, catchy. In the early AOL days, we had a group called "linkohaulics" ..people who believed sharing expert/research info was often more valuable than spewing out opinions on factual topics. We're all still friends..thanks for the new tagline!

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  • @vizzy Has your basenji research turned up info regarding Fanconi Syndrome? Please, please ensure the breeder you select is reputable, tests all stock, and has a reputation for breeding healthy stock with sound temperament! If you'll be leaving the pup alone while you go to work each day, consider getting two: basenjis are notorious for separation anxiety. Solo basenjis are some of the most anxious dogs on the planet...

  • @yodelma - Total agreement with finding a responsible breeder. If you go to (Basenji Club of America) there is much good information on how to find a responsible breeder.
    I disagree that Basenjis are notorious for separation anxiety.. I believe that can be said for any breed of dog. Yes maybe some more than others, but "notorious"?
    As a breeder, I do not recommend getting two at the same time and particularly littermates. Littermates have been in competition with each other from day 1. The compete for millk, food, attention, etc. This can carry over for life. Again, not always, but rule of thumb. Also for new Basenji owners, two might be company for each other, but 2 is double the trouble. And you need to make sure that they bond with the human, not just with each other. You need to work with each separate from the other.

Suggested Topics

  • Wannabe Basenji owner!

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    @karann - The key in my opinion is to visit with Basenjis before you get one... Of course I always recommend that regardless. But for allergies, ask the owners to prepare a small towel that the Basenjis will sleep on for a few days... take that home and put it under your pillow.... will give you a good idea if your allergies will kick up
  • Basenji Owner in Florida

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    I own one of those little ratbags..lmao But I wouldn't give him up for the world..nearing three years and I'm still waiting for the "let up" Lol
  • New Basenji Owner

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    Buddys PalB
    Yes, welcome to the forum. Hope you find good information and make friends as we all have! Yep, they are just like potato chips!!! Can't wait for pictures of the lure course!
  • New basenji owner

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    Adorable face - probably a devil in hiding :p If the biting is clearly play biting a firm NO should work (and see previous comments). If more serious then try bitter apple spray. You definitely want to stop this type before it gets out of hand. Mine (3 yrs old) occasionally will bite (gently and really just a mouthing) when trying to get my attention to play. But you can tell from her expression that she knows she did something unacceptable. Consistent training is the most important thing you could do.
  • Soon-to-be Basenji owner

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    @setidog: Kenji is absolutely adorable!!! You are going to have so much fun with him! @Patty: What beautiful puppies- I particulalry love the red/whites (I mustn't let my tri-colour Miggy hear that!!) @crystalncody: Kenji is adorable! Well, they all are! @Arwen: The photos have caused a great deal of oooh and ahhing here at work. I want that little red girl. I love all the colors but am really drawn to the red/whites. :) But no puppies for me. Thanks, we are look forward to our little guy coming home. I'll be putting more pictures up once we get him.
  • Soon to be basenji owner

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    AJs HumanA
    Happy you joined us! Wizard, you are a hoot. Thanks for the smile