You really should verify that the parents have been DNA tested for at least Fanconi. Just saying "I have not had problems with Fanconi" is (in my opinion) not good enough, especially since we have a DNA test. Buyers should always ask to see the paperwork for test and also to seach on line at with the dog/bitches registration number and/or registererd name. I always encourage new people to the breed to please do the research.
New Avatar
Since Buddy has been with us for 10 months, we thought it would be only fitting if we included him in our avatar.
I should think so, it's a wonder he didn't complain earlier :). Enjoy your B B's.
Jolanda and Kaiser
It's really a shame the avatars are so small that it is hard to really see what is in them, particularly if you are trying to include more than one Basenji! But of course Buddy must be in there. Now if they would allow animated gif files for avatars, problem solved!
LOL, yes, Buddy must be included. If he had his way, you'd be Mr. BaRoo, Bitty and Buddy!