Very Good Food Ingredient Site
I have been doing much research on dog food ingredients, the quality ranking of some products and why. I ran across this site that I personally found very helpful. I was originally searching for an answer as to how much protein is appropriate. I had been to a seminar concerning aggression issues and the topic of too much protein was found to be a variable responsible for aggression issues. Well, this seems to be false. It is probably truer to assume the 'quality'. There was not a 'study' given that came up with the theory…. So, if this site is helpful to anyone, I will have been happy to assist! (lots of work went into her research-enjoyable reading)
wrote on 14 Dec 2012, 14:29 last edited by
And an old reliable used for probably 15 yrs by many of us:
Oh, well thank you for the history lesson Debra….don't you think with all the new members that it might help someone who doesn't like to go through all that 'searching' in the forum? I only found it recently so theoretically and statistically, many members may not have 'found' it by a search engine either here or via the internet. you really start some stuff sometimes DebraDownSouth.......why don't you try sounding a little less abrasive some (all)the time..............
wrote on 17 Dec 2012, 11:58 last edited by
wow.. just wow
DebraDownSouth;163193 Wow, how utterly revealing in ways you seem oblivious to.
You gave a link, I gave a couple of more, that's all. [?]
Nothing about searching in forum in my post,[You took this VERY wrong-I was indicating how new members may not know that this link has been useful on this forum for 15yrs and they may not know about the searching for Food Ingredient Links on this forum. I did not go into your previous personal replies, posts, etc….seems you are reading into this] not one single comment,
and you tell me I was abrasive? [not just me in the history of this forum-in your reply to my original post you just had to point out that my new found info was passe by 15 years….ok, so I could have read into this phrase, but you have always had to input in such a way that is abrasive and so many Threads have others replying back in defense mode....]
Please, really, get some help. I am reporting your post for attacking me because no one on EARTH could see anything wrong with my post but someone who seriously has some issues and fabricates them._ -
wrote on 17 Dec 2012, 13:28 last edited by
Deleted to make one succinct, which is far more attention than your post should get since it obvious was a plea for attention.
wrote on 17 Dec 2012, 13:43 last edited by
Oh, well thank you for the history lesson Debra….don't you think with all the new members that it might help someone who doesn't like to go through all that 'searching' in the forum? I only found it recently so theoretically and statistically, many members may not have 'found' it by a search engine either here or via the internet. you really start some stuff sometimes DebraDownSouth.......why don't you try sounding a little less abrasive some (all)the time..............
Your response over the top, uncalled for and totally twisting nothing into something "abrasive".
I gave 2 more links, didn't indicate anyone should have known them or found them. Just that one has been around a long time and reliable. That you take that and use it as excuse to attack me is pretty sad. Get help. Really. Reporting you so your pattern of personal attacks can be seen.
wrote on 17 Dec 2012, 15:17 last edited by
You know what? It's Christmas. Can't we all just let it go. More important things in the world to worry about. Perspective, and all that. :)
wrote on 17 Dec 2012, 19:20 last edited by
Sorry but I did nothing, and the likelihood of my ignoring a personal attack any time a year are close to zero.
But season's greetings to you. :)
wrote on 17 Dec 2012, 19:55 last edited by
Sorry but I did nothing, and the likelihood of my ignoring a personal attack any time a year are close to zero.
;) Who would have guessed that? Hope everyone has a great Christmas. :)