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Frequent little "sprinkles" on walks

Behavioral Issues

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  • 5 Votes
    45 Posts
    @patty and others that reference a responsible breeder: I got my Jessey (my friend dubbed him the Jester because of his loveable zaniness) - who is my second Basenji - from a responsible breeder and he was well socialized by her and then me. I took him to the dog park which he loved at first, but then after many visits, he became scared. He used to walk the neighborhood, but then became scared. Any boom/bang/bounce - he bolts home. My other Basenji was nothing like this. Jessey has his pack of BFF's but is usually snarky to other dogs (typical B!). My point is, it's not always the breeder. Dogs - like humans - can develop "head issues". It has been very frustrating for me having a neurotic dog, but I've come to accept that's him and would never love him any less! The vet gave me Solliquin to try, but I've been hesitant. Anyone out there tried it?
  • Couple of "Issues" with my Basenji

    Behavioral Issues
    0 Votes
    11 Posts
    I completely forgot about this topic, but I figure I would reply (after a 4 month hiatus) with updates. Thank you all for your responses. Marvel no longer bites (what a relief!). It stopped around the time that all of his adult teeth were falling out, so I assume it was related to the discomfort of his baby teeth. He will play bite every now and then, but nothing drastic. Marvel no longer wakes up absurdly early now that he's 6 months old, as someone pointed out. He typically gets up when we do except for the rare occasion here and there. Marvel has been marvelous and his behavior only gets better. The only "issue" we deal with now is his separation anxiety when we leave him in a crate. I'll probably make a separate topic on this. And he seems to be strangely attached/dominant to my girlfriends underwear when he manages to get a hold of it... Thanks! Peter
  • Walking issues

    Behavioral Issues
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    10 Posts
    I always offer my clients a choice. They can train their dog to heel in the same position each time, or they can train their dog to simply be enjoyable to walk with (to pay attention, not pull, not criss-cross in front, or tangle up) So far every single one, scores of clients, have chosen to have a polite walker, not a perfect one. With my own dogs, the only time we work on 'heel' is when we are training for Rally. In the show ring I want them in front a little bit, and on a walk, I want them on the "fun" side of the trail. Now, they do sometimes forget with the stimulus is overwhelming…squirrel, etc...but usually I can do some attention work with them right away and get them back under control. Those of you who see me walking my dogs at the National will probably laugh...I am bringing my two WORST trained is virtually resistant to training, and the other just hasn't had the training time he will be quite a circus :)
  • Walk-attitude change

    Behavioral Issues
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    6 Posts
    Curious to know if Gossy ever has this happen occasionally. I notice Kananga does this every now and then. The last two days he has refused to walk in a certain direction. I can tell he's worried about something because his ears are pinned back and he's trying to get out of his collar. I have to pick him up and walk him to where we need to go. Just a few days ago he was fine, it seems like this happens every couple months or so. Sounds similar to what you were going through.
  • "Conquering"

    Behavioral Issues
    0 Votes
    27 Posts
    I think you're Mom's on the right track. By adopting a 'submissive' pose, you're making the dog anxious. She thinks she's expected to do something, but she's not sure what. She would prefer it if you would act like a grownup, so she won't have to! What is inoccuous or meaningless to us can be very significant in 'dog culture.' Basenjis are all about the pack and have a lot of ancient customs we don't always understand. It's part of their intrigue and charm.
  • Little pooper

    Behavioral Issues
    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    I remember Caesar as a puppy would poop in the Petsmart every time we went until he was old enough to be fixed. Never pooped in the house. I thought it was because he was a little guy. When Cairo was a super pup and would go to petsmart, I took puppy pads with me. We would walk around in the store together. When I saw him start stressing, or sniffing, or whining, I would throw the pad down even if I looked like a crazy B mom. It worked every time!! I wouldnt fret too much until you are at an age that is beyond Abby being fixed. Some of that stuff is pure puppy…..