I always offer my clients a choice. They can train their dog to heel in the same position each time, or they can train their dog to simply be enjoyable to walk with (to pay attention, not pull, not criss-cross in front, or tangle up) So far every single one, scores of clients, have chosen to have a polite walker, not a perfect one. With my own dogs, the only time we work on 'heel' is when we are training for Rally. In the show ring I want them in front a little bit, and on a walk, I want them on the "fun" side of the trail.
Now, they do sometimes forget with the stimulus is overwhelming…squirrel, etc...but usually I can do some attention work with them right away and get them back under control. Those of you who see me walking my dogs at the National will probably laugh...I am bringing my two WORST trained dogs...one is virtually resistant to training, and the other just hasn't had the training time he needs..it will be quite a circus :)