That doesn't surprise me about Chafuko…I know basenjis have great poker faces but there is something innate about some dogs eyes that shows they are windows to the soul. Unfortunately, my little Oakley isn't a window but a brick wall (lmao), but I love him nonetheless. My first dog had that look and he too could sense my childhood seizures and was always by my side when I was sick. I usually find that look in the older ones but even then it's few and far between.
Otis haven' helped me pack or unpack yet, but what he does love is doing the B-500 on our bed while I am folding laundry on that very same just doesn't work, and usually I have to lock myself into our bedroom and do it in secret..but he loves it so oh well, a little crazy is OK..
Is the one on the right the girl? Do they get along great? They look like quite the pair! Congrats! And you are so thoughtful to take a pair and keep them together!
I'm sorry it took me so long to respond to your questions–I missed your post somehow.....Yes--Zoey is the little girl on the right. She is actually quite a bit smaller than Tyler, but it's hard to tell from this photo. Tyler is a big, handsome boy, and Zoey is a sweet faced little girl. They have always been together--Zoey was one of the girls from I believe the last litter that Tyler sired--and they get along really well--however, Tyler does do some resource guarding of me. He seems to get jealous when I pay attention to Zoey. But other than that--they get along just great. Zoey always looks to Tyler to take the lead. But Tyler is the one who goes more bananas if left alone at home. The reason I wanted to get two is because I work all day. Zoey has gotten a little more assertive with Tyler since I've had them--I think maybe because she now has me to look to for support and protection in addition to him.