Needs a home
I am so sorry you are having problems with your B. I would, unless you have yourself set on finding her a new home, have some preliminary tests done, to at least rule out thyroid and other health related grumpiness. Who knows maybe something is bothering her in her own body, and she doesn't know how to deal with it..and usually the one that is the newest in the household gets the grump..not cool/OK or anything like that, but sometimes that happens.
If not, and you are ready to find her a forever home, please look into BRAT. They will evaluate any and all homes possible for her, so she will find a great new forever home.. -
I agree with all the suggestions to go with BRAT - very understandable that you fear for your child after all -
I agree with both points.
One-take her to the vet. I just had to have one of my 7 year old's teeth pulled. She has a check up every year, and last year she was fine. Something happened to one of her teeth in this last year. She was VERY grumpy.
Two-I just rescued a 1 1/2 year old male from BRAT. If you can't keep your pup, please, please contact them. They will find the right home for you basenji and make sure she is loved.
lol deleted cause I didn't see it was OLD post renewed by spam.
LOL Arlene, some spammer hit it, I opened it and didn't notice the dates. Okay so any idea what happened?