On the verge of entering the world of basenjidom
Hi all,
If everything goes according to plan, in about mid-march, I will be acquiring a 10-week old male Basenji puppy. I have done lots of research leading up to choosing this breed and so am preparing myself, based on what I've read, for what looks like a challenging adventure with never a dull moment!
I am certain you will find me posting lots of questions on this forum in the coming weeks and months.
And as soon as the new bundle is settled, I will try and post some pictures!
Welcome. Who is the breeder of your pup?
Thanks. Yes, it a 'Portuguese' basenji as the breeder is local and listed with the FCI. She only breeds basenjis. Although my first visit to see the puppies will probably be in about a week, I get a good vibe from her on the telephone. For example, she wanted to wait longer before I see the pups so that their immune systems are stronger from breast-feeding. She has taken a number of pictures and even videos and emailed them to me. She says she even provides a little hand-out in Portuguese to all new owners so they have a better understanding of the breed and what to except. Sounds promising, right?