I adopted a male B currently 2yo previously was an only dog in July. I adopted a F currently 3yo in Aug previously an only dog.
I am concerned about the constant squabbling. It seems that either one of them will start the argument. Some of the issues that seem to start the combats are expected over a "leftover" treat found randomly. Who gets to stand closest to the gate while waiting to come back into the house. Sometimes maybe one is tired and wants to stop playing. Sometimes it just seems random for no apparent reason. Yet they drink together out of the same water bowl. If one gets the water bottle the other will lick it off. If they are separated one in and one out or one home and one on a walk the other will protest loudly enough it is embarassing!
Currently the M sleeps in a crate and the F sleeps in her bed beside the crate at night.
These two really wear each other out during their outside time. They stay outside most of the day. The F is definitely the hunter and is constantly on guard and trees squirrels. She will proudly stand watch for long periods of time. He could care less he runs with her just for the sake of running.
They can get into pretty serious looking and sounding battles anytime day or night except while asleep.
These B's are number 4 & 5 who have shared their lives with us.
Gosh! Suggestions would be nice!