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Urgent! Medford, OR

Basenji Rescue
  • A trucker's Pug is in the Jackson County Animal Shelter. The owners have contacted the shelter and can be in Medford in two weeks to get him. But the shelter only gave them until the 11th and he will be PTS.

    This dog only needs a foster home for a couple of weeks. I have contact information for the owners…but I don't know forum rules as to how to pass that on.

    If anyone can help, please let me know.

    Or, if anyone knows of a Pug rescue in the area??

    Thanks, all.

  • Can he contact a local vet that he can make a deal with to pick the dog up and hold him? I can't believe a shelter would put a dog to sleep when the owner will be picking the dog up. That makes no sense!

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