11-month-old Basenji/Rat Terrier mix in Austin, TX
Your name: Vincent Sebastian
Your city, state: Austin, TX
Your phone numbers/email: vsebastian42491@gmail.com
Basenji(s) For Sale: Tigerlily, 11 month old Basenji/Rat Terrier mix
Age of Basenji(s): 11 Months
Current weight of Basenji(s) for sale: 18.3 lbs
Registration if any (AKC, Basenji Clubs, etc):
Price: 100$
Age when puppies will be ready to be taken home: After spaying ((within two weeks))
Do you ship your Basenjis: NoTigerlily, my 11-month-old Basenji/Rat Terrier mix needs a new home. Unfortunately, due to finances I am unabe to provide the care she needs any longer, and I want to make sure she goes to a loving family.
This little girl is an absolute sweetheart who enjoys nothing more than to be able to cuddle with people. She's wonderful with other pets who enjoy playing, and has shown no signs of agression toward other dogs or people. Lily is currently being house-trained, and so far i've had no problems ((potty training is going well, and she only chews on her toys)).
Lily has a brindle and white coat, and currently is weighing in at 18.3 lbs. She has been vaccinated for Rabies, DA2PP, and Bordatella, and was given prevention for fleas, ticks, and heartworm on 11/30/2011.
If you think you could provide a loving and attentive home for this little girl, then send an email to vsebastian42491@gmail.com.