I may have misunderstood the grounds for the question. Didn't mean to sound offensive, all. With the exception of Noel's size and the shape of her tail, she looks very Basenji to me. I think she's a pretty girl. :)
Y'all are right: DNA would be the definitive proof of her heritage.
It is more the shape of her head to me, along with the way the tail is set, that and the size. And I think the reason that we are all questioning her parentage is because if this person was sold a purebred and that is not what they have, then as lvoss stated the breeder committed fraud.
Has nothing to do with the pup at all, as all are welcome, purebreds and mixes…
Is she AKC (American Kennel Club) registered. Have you checked her pedigree on Sally Wallis's site -
I have never seen a Basenji bitch that large and I agree with lvoss, she is certainly not overweight.. As lvoss said I have seen males that are large and 30lbs. My OJ was in good show weight 29lbs
Strange….I put the name of Noels mother and nothing came up....There was zero matches.
Strange….I put the name of Noels mother and nothing came up....There was zero matches.
Do you have her registration number? You might be able to search that way in case the name isn't entered correctly in the database. Or if it's not in there, you could try the AKC site and check there. If you find the dam's parents on the AKC site you could search them too.
Did you meet the dam when you got your puppy? Have you tried the dam's parents? Some of the AKC members here might be able to run her through that website. I think it requires membership to use. What was the dam's name?
Did you find the sire?
(Sorry, Nemo…we responded at the same time.:o)
Did you meet the dam when you got your puppy? Have you tried the dam's parents? Some of the AKC members here might be able to run her through that website. I think it requires membership to use. What was the dam's name?
Did you find the sire?
(Sorry, Nemo…we responded at the same time.:o)
Anyone can use the AKC site…you might just have to register to do it.
Note: My typing teacher would be proud. :)
Anyone can sign up for a free account on AKC's website. Once you have an account you have to go to the Store then click the link for Point/Title Progression and you will get the screen where you can search for dogs by name or registration number.
If you would like, you can send me Noel's parents' names and I can search for you. I use the AKC site a lot and already have an account.
My female was 32 pounds:eek: She's now down to 28 but still looks stocky. On the other hand my male is 28 lbs and is at his perfect weight for his frame and age. You might just have a tall girl. I, on the other hand, have a "big boned substantial woman" that likes the extra nosh or two (or three) and has to watch her weight constantly:D
Im guessing she is a full Basenji
It would be interesting to hear of her AKC info….