More Snow Day Photos - Walk at the Park!
wrote on 6 Jan 2010, 14:29 last edited by
wrote on 6 Jan 2010, 14:51 last edited by
Great pics! Delilah looks too cute in her coat! And what a great place to walk the dogs!!
wrote on 6 Jan 2010, 14:53 last edited by
That coat is great, its really thick fleece so its lovely and warm, Lilah certainly looks snuggly in it!!
That park is fantastic for the dogs. And today, cos of the snow, there were loads of kids there building snowmen and stuff, all three dogs love kids so they were having snowball fights with them and stuff :D They had so much fun
wrote on 6 Jan 2010, 14:56 last edited by
Again lovely pics, love the third one of Riley. The girls had the right idea snuggling up in their crate.
wrote on 6 Jan 2010, 15:39 last edited by
First pic is too funny :D.