no, it is a dust glove…. and usually the dogs use it to play with it, when I don't use it to remove dust from furniture.... but sometimes they have to suffer my childish interpretations....
I live near the beach, and Cody likes the sand and all the people and other dogs, but he will not go near the water. When we walk along the shoreline, I have to walk between him and the surf, lol. You are so lucky.
crystalncody…i was the one that before this one posted a topic on duna hating her bath and that it was impossible for me to get her in the bath tub!!! Isn't that strange?? I dont believe it myself!!!:D
We frequent a dog park/beach that is surrounded by water and our basenjis actually do go in the water now btw. Fiji will only get her feet wet - she used to jump backward when the waves came in. Bongo's basenji buddy Cairo will actually swim to chase a stick and Bongo is not far behind him. Go figure.
Fiji's favourite past time in the winter is hunting mice in the house! When it is very cold in the winter they move in (under the floor generally), this involves pulling up the carpets, the least little noise and she is racing around like a mad thing, she has never caught one yet.
I can't really see - what is he trying to pull down in the video?
Have you edited movies on the iPhone yet. Just beware that with the current software that if you edit a movie it overwrites the existing movie you have - no way to keep a separate version. Ask me how I know :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:. Software version 3.1 is supposed to be released soon with that fixed.
Thanks for letting me know 😃
Don't know exactly what's being 'defluffed'. I think it is some kind of isolation material.. They are building there..