@elbrant Thank you! I am definitely going for another basenji if I get a second. Still haven't decided on the gender yet. Also debating on brindle or tricolor 🤔
Pharaoh turned two and I think I want another… -
Pharaoh turned two and I think I want another…Double the trouble, double the fun. 🤣
My vet says my puppy is too aggressive@pawla thank you so much on the compliment and advice. My husband plays with him without being rough but he nibbles, my husband does get serious with him and tells him no. He definitely doesnt treat him like a baby. Lol
My vet says my puppy is too aggressive@jengosmonkey thank you I will definitely try it. i was scared to cut the nails too short but I am going to order that ASAP. The last shower at the groomers made him extremely itchy which is another reason why I was going to stop taking him.
My vet says my puppy is too aggressive@elbrant will try this going forward. My husband does tell him not to bite and also puts him in the playpen.
My vet says my puppy is too aggressive@tanza yes for the nails. The last time I had them shower him and cut the nails but I usually shower him at home.
My vet says my puppy is too aggressive@eeeefarm yes, we do handle him all over. That was taught in our training class. We touch his mouth,ears, paws etc. We began with treats now we can touch him without having to reward. My husband puts his fingers in his mouth, he is now comfortable with us putting clothing on, leashes anything without reacting. He sits and waits for his food, he never jumps at it or runs to it until he hears his command. I have not cut his nails yet because we take him to the groomers I am not experienced with it and afraid to over-cut but i have showered him myself without an issue. I use the wipes for his paws sometimes I even wash his paws in the bathroom sink with no problem. When he nibbles at my husband I put him in his playpen until he relaxes. Then let him back out if it continues he goes back in.
My vet says my puppy is too aggressive@eeeefarm Yes, correct. Due to Covid I have never gone in with him to any of his visits which is frustrating. I have found a new vet that is willing to let me in to handle him so that everyone is safe. This way I can also learn how to handle him every vet appointment to make it easier for everyone. I am okay with the muzzle if I am present and can put it on him myself so he doesn't hurt anyone but I've never been present in a visit so it is a little discouraging not knowing exactly what's going on.
Thank you for your advice.
My vet says my puppy is too aggressive@zande Yes, I have already found a new vet. Since his last visit I listened to my instinct and started my search. I completely agree with the neutering advice. My husband and I from the beginning did our research on the neutering and agreed we would not neuter him. We have been very consistent with training him daily at home and taking him to his weekly training classes. I actually was recommended by a friend to a vet that actually allows you to come in if you suggest that you prefer it that way to make it safe for the vet and the puppy so going forward I will be taking him there. I hate giving him off and not knowing how they are handling him especially because they judge his breed. Any suggestions with the nipping? He's gotten wayyyyy better with me at least, with my husband he knows it's full blown crazy time and he gets too excited and the nipping starts. lol With me he nips and I say "no bite" he automatically stops and I praise him so he doesn't continue with me.
Btw thank you for the advice.
My vet says my puppy is too aggressive@JENGOSMonkey Yes I completely agree. She isn't familiar with the breed at all. When I first took him to the vet she was so surprised to see a basenji she even said that she thought they no longer existed. I think it is her energy and she is going to keep giving that energy. If it were a different breed she wouldn't be doing this. She said it herself. "Since this breed is known to be aggressive, I suggest we do the neutering sooner before his testosterone kicks in". My husband and I both agreed we wouldn't neuter him. I won't speak to the new vet about the experience and I will keep you posted. Thank you so much for the advice.
Thank you on the compliment. He's such a well behaved puppy along with all the cuteness.
My vet says my puppy is too aggressiveI completely agree. I feel like if she can’t handle him now there is no way she will be able to handle him being bigger. My husband was also furious that he was muzzled and I completely agreed with him because if we can handle him she should be able to he’s only 18 weeks. I was also concerned with her pushing the neutering on me when I have never mentioned to her that I want him neutered. I am in search of a new vet already. Thank you for your response.
My vet says my puppy is too aggressive
My 18 week old does not show any sign of aggression at home. I have been taking him to training classes since 10 weeks old. The only problem I had prior to training was his biting. I have taken him to the groomers twice so far and both times I've asked how he behaves so that his trainer is aware of anything we need to work on. They have told me he does pull away, growl and try to bite but she says its nothing out of the ordinary when a puppy is in fear. I took him to the vet and the last two times she is telling me that I need to neuter him earlier than she usually advises at 5 months because she fears he will be too aggressive because of his breed. She stated that she had to muzzle him, he was growling and trying to bite her. She said I need to be more stern with him. This was shocking because my husband always puts his finger in his mouth to take anything out he shouldn't be swallowing and he doesn't behave like this. This made me want to switch the vet. I don't like the fact that just because he is a basenji she is already calling him too aggressive. I also feel that her energy could be the problem. Shes not even giving him a chance. He is still in training and I will continue his training for as long as I can. What do you guys think? This is my first basenji and would like to know what you experienced owners think. Am I overreacting? -
Diggs Crate?Hey. I have my first Basenji and the diggs crate is great but I must admit it is heavy and bulky to take up and down the stairs. I had to buy an additional crate for travel because it was becoming too much. If you were looking for something to travel with I definitely wouldn’t recommend it especially because it is expensive. My puppy loves it though since he can see everything from it but you could get that from another crate.