• Does anyone have any advice on what to do with your puppy once you pick them up from the breeder? I mean, should you first introduce them into their new house before doing anything else; is there a certain way I should do it? Do I wait a few days before introducing him to friends and family?? I don't want to make any mistakes on the first day and for some reason in my mind it seems like a very important day not to do the wrong things.😕

  • Do you have any other dogs or pets? In my mind that would be one of the most important things to consider. Otherwise, I would say just don't expose the puppy to too much right away when you get them home, like lots and lots of people. You want everything to be a positive experience.

  • Nemo- I am a blank canvas- no pets, no children in the home… so no introductions to worry about

  • Cool, you get the puppy all to yourself that first day. 🙂 After you get the puppy settled, make sure to get him/her entered into a puppy socialization class and introduced to lots of new experiences…people, places, things, sounds, etc.

  • Take a look here:


    There are links for "first dog a basenji", "first basenji, not first dog" and best for you "bringing home your new basenji"

    Email me with questions 🙂


  • I work at an animal shelter and always tell people when you first get the animal home give it a week or so adjustment time. Best to start it off with access to a small section of the house and slowly open it up so it feels comfortable. Don't introduce it to new animals/people until after that adjustment period is up and you think it's the right time. You definitely don't want to make a new thing a bad experience and scare the poor pup. Just go by how you feel it's reacting to the changes and you'll be fine. Plus it'll give it less flooring/items to destroy if it has that tendency already!

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