Found black-white girl, Tampa FL, 11/11
wrote on 13 Nov 2010, 14:17 last edited by
Black and White mixed breed dog found running in the street at about 4:45pm today. She seems to be a greyhound/besenji mix and is very friendly. I took her to a vet who said she is in great health and she also has a microchip. Unfortunatly the chip is not registered to the owner. If you know any information that could help us get this sweet little girl back home please let me know.
wrote on 13 Nov 2010, 14:24 last edited by
Take her photo and info to the local humane societys in the area she came from..that is where the "general" public goes first to check to see about a lost dog.
wrote on 13 Nov 2010, 15:25 last edited by
you can always do a free ad on craigslist. there is a pet section and a lost/found section