Let me give my example
my bitch Abotere's Zulika is red ant white.
father Abotere's Mogli - brindle white
mother Abotere's Zhenga - brindle white
in brackets are other possibilities red
father DD Kbrk ayay(ayat,ayaw,ayas,a)
mother DD Kbrk ayay(ayat,ayaw,ayas,a)
Zulika is a red and white.
Parents received one literce k
DD kk ayay(ayat,ayaw,ayas,a)
Zulika bore children father is Abotere's Wazhiri(tri color DD kk atat)
Only two alleles atat tri color show
Puppies were born, all red and white
the children I know that design is only one
all carry the tri gene (at), but it is masked by a gene (ay)