Does anyone know if you can put Kongs in the dishwasher? Tosca's is kinda gross inside, and I've tried spraying hot water in there and stuff, but I can't get it really clean. I thought I'd try the dishwasher if it's safe to do so. What do you think? :)
I don't know..probably though..
How about just letting it soak in some hot water with a tiny amount of is safe and it should take care of it..
Well isn't she a sassy little thing? Thanks so much for the information. I had not heard of this one at all. I will Google it to get more info and find where to purchase!
Hi there -- not sure if everyone uses this strategy but i soak some kibble in water and mix in a little peanut butter (so that simba isn't getting too much salt) and then stuff the Kong with that before freezing -- lasts longer and still has the same nutrients as his meals. We have the puppy and the classic and I think they're effectively the same. He also LOVES the blue kong squeaky ball.
My undergraduate degree was in geophysics with a minor in applied math. I name all my Basenjis after Indian mathematicians. My current Basenjis are Madhava of Sangamagrama (Madhava for short) and Bramagupta (Bramagupta for short). They do respond to their "short" names.
**We have a few smalls and few mediums. Keep them filled with peanut butter in the freezer all the time.
They last about a half day when they're in their crates and we're at work.
They're like the special treats we give them once in a while to change things up a bit.**
I buy the Canine Carryouts, in the Beef flavor? They are soft, and you can really squish them down in there! It takes quite a while, for Callie to get it out of there! :)