Oh how cute. I just love your pugs.. Thank you so much for sharing. My son (5 yrs old) really wants a pug since he has been seeing yours grow up. ( the last litter..)
Please do - this references BTW a litter of 11 - Portuguese Podengo Grande Smooth puppies. The first in the United States. Can't imagine why I'm singing and making up songs - they are a lot of work!
If it would provide someone amusement - please reprint away just give me credit: Diana McCarty
I guess i do have a think for wrinkles and curly tails lol! And Pugs are definately either a love or hate dog. I personally think they're gorgeous, like adorable like monkeys!!
Im sure we'll be able to encourage Maya into the water eventually! lol Pugs are supposed to hate water but both of mine jump right in!!